Avatar of Martin Berka

I do not know Spring or your company/specialty. Of course it must be learnable and I won't tell you to give up on anything. Java is and will remain valuable.

Regardless, I don't think "lesser scope" is a valid strike against Node.js here. Node.js fulfills JavaScript's original vision of an everywhere language and can run anywhere that Java can. It serves webpages, communicates with hardware, powers command line tools, and builds desktop applications. A huge complexity-saver for teams running many environments (my biggest regret is that it cannot run a microcontroller).

Node.js' biggest practical weakness is that JavaScript is less structured than Java. Luckily, the large influx of Java developers has been helping with this: gaps like constants and private properties are gradually filling in, and TypeScript firms up the types to the point where JavaScript looks a lot like Java.

Probably more potential competition from the larger pool of JS developers, but the compensation is allegedly similar so I guess there is a similar supply/demand situation.

9 upvotes·223.4K views

Of course both are capable of storing this data and technically possible to migrate to. For rich content that contains lots of different types of content nested together, the flexible structure of a NoSQL like MongoDB even has advantages. However, since you asked, I have to assume that you are less familiar with NoSQL systems and thus recommend the one that is more similar to MSSQL. PostgreSQL is another newer SQL database and would let you keep the old database's structure.

8 upvotes·1 comment·9.4K views
Daniel Iyiola
Daniel Iyiola
July 4th 2021 at 6:51PM

I agree with Martin. PostgreSQL would be easier to migrate to and you can use Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) to easily transfer the data.


If you have a web server that talks to a database, then you should use a suitable high-level language. C++ is technically capable of serving as a back-end (I have done it), and there are even server frameworks for it, but safe processing of complex data is harder with C++ and it is not a popular choice for servers, so you will not find as much help when there are problems. Yes, you can use Node.js for this (or maybe Python if the algorithm involves lots of vector operations or other advanced data types) because standard command-flow algorithms can be implemented in any major language. It should be whichever language you understand well enough to use safely (it is not possible to use ExpressJS for the algorithm because it is actually a Node.js framework). If performance becomes critical, you can use C++ (or one of its safer low-level competitors) just for the slow part.

7 upvotes·1 comment·17.6K views
Elif Naz Esentan
Elif Naz Esentan
May 18th 2021 at 2:52PM

Thank you!


Yes - for a more collaborative workflow, you can use the Trello Slackbot (https://trello.com/platforms/slack) to interact with a board from Slack. It depends on how much your team wants to collaborate on these - I've also seen the bot go unused with people focusing on changing the cards directly in Trello.

6 upvotes·556 views
Needs advice

I have an embedded TypeScript system that must minimize writing to disk for integrity and has therefore been logging to console (all in RAM) with homespun log level filtering. Now, I need to keep the most recent N logs somewhere that the application can retrieve them, with levels/timestamps. bunyan has a RingBuffer that sounds like this, but I might be overlooking others that can do the same (including the other two tools for the diversity of input). Do you have a favorite logger you would use over Bunyan for some other reason, like performance or ease of integration?

5 upvotes·7.4K views

Do you have a reason to switch? For coding patterns remotely resembling major JS styles, ESLint is quite flexible. For me, it's mostly a matter of picking the right base config and adjusting the rules to suit the team. We've gone a long way with modified AirBNB + TS rules.

3 upvotes·1 comment·160 views
Marc Vilella
Marc Vilella
October 7th 2021 at 7:10AM

+1 for AirBnB preset


Apples to buckets comparison? SQLite is a fine lightweight database engine used by all sorts of locally installed apps. GraphQL is a creative API query language that lets you give API clients more options while spend less time implementing a long list of endpoints. GraphQL can act as a middle layer in front of the database, allowing clever design patterns, but it is not a database. So you could use both of them, but you definitely need a database. Impossible to comment on GraphQL without more details on the scope.

3 upvotes·70 views