Avatar of Peter Suwara

Peter Suwara

Director at Realityworks
Director at Realityworks·

You can use swift of course. It’s more of a question of being performant.

You really want to try some basic operations and find what’s most performant for you.

Rust is wonderful for cloud applications requiring heavy concurrency, it has compile time checking for such things.

Go and C++ could be more performant in your case. Swift is really quite an obtuse language, with a lot of features, some which may complicate your implementation.

Also, you want to consider the market of developers who could help build it. If you use Go or C++ there is a larger collection of people who know the languages than there is with swift.

6 upvotes·1 comment·122K views
Jean Casteaux
Jean Casteaux
September 11th 2022 at 12:39PM

How is Go more performant than Swift? Features are to be used wisely, like any engineer can do. Go actually lacks useful features, you'll find the language very "poor" compared to Swift. The latter is a joy to use, not Go.

Director at Realityworks·

Mastering SwiftUI by Big Mountain Studio is a great reference manual.

A good way to practice is to spend a few days or weeks working on reading/learning. Then, try to build your own thing.

There’s so much in Swift and SwiftUI, it will a dozen apps before you become really good at it and even then, you’ll be often referring to Stack Overflow for help.

Also check out raywenderlich.com, that site is filled with relevant tutorials and books.

5 upvotes·1 comment·16.3K views
Karem Ortiz
Karem Ortiz
January 6th 2021 at 4:11PM

Wow great tips Peter! I want to master react native for mobile development, im a junior looking for my first job after having done a 12 weeks bootcamp. It is very hard but I try to keep going:)

