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ActiveMQ vs CloudAMQP: What are the differences?

  1. Deployment: ActiveMQ is a Java-based message broker that can be self-hosted on-premises or on cloud servers. In contrast, CloudAMQP is a managed service provided by a third-party provider that handles deployment and maintenance for users.
  2. Scaling: ActiveMQ allows users to manually scale the message broker by adding more instances or configuring clustering. CloudAMQP offers automatic scaling based on workload demands, without the need for user intervention.
  3. Pricing Model: ActiveMQ is typically free to use, but users are responsible for managing and maintaining the infrastructure. On the other hand, CloudAMQP offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model based on usage, with different tiers and features to choose from.
  4. Monitoring and Management: ActiveMQ requires users to set up monitoring and management tools themselves to track performance and troubleshoot issues. CloudAMQP includes built-in monitoring and management features, providing users with real-time insights and alerts.
  5. Security: ActiveMQ users are responsible for implementing security measures such as encryption and access controls on their own. CloudAMQP includes built-in security features like TLS encryption, virtual private cloud support, and role-based access control to ensure data protection.
  6. Ease of Use: ActiveMQ requires users to have a certain level of expertise in setting up and managing the message broker. CloudAMQP provides a user-friendly interface and simplifies the process of configuring and using the message broker for users of all skill levels.

In Summary, ActiveMQ and CloudAMQP differ in deployment options, scaling capabilities, pricing models, monitoring and management features, security implementations, and ease of use.

Decisions about ActiveMQ and CloudAMQP
Mickael Alliel
DevOps Engineer at Rookout · | 4 upvotes · 436.1K views

In addition to being a lot cheaper, Google Cloud Pub/Sub allowed us to not worry about maintaining any more infrastructure that needed.

We moved from a self-hosted RabbitMQ over to CloudAMQP and decided that since we use GCP anyway, why not try their managed PubSub?

It is one of the better decisions that we made, and we can just focus about building more important stuff!

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