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WeChat API

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Add tool vs WeChat API: What are the differences? Conversational interface platform for apps, devices, bots, and services. API.AI is a natural language understanding platform that makes it easy for developers to design and integrate intelligent, robust conversational user interfaces into mobile, web applications, and devices; WeChat API: Integrate your killer app onto WeChat's advanced mobile communication platform. Access WeChat’s 300 million users and make your app a global phenomenon. can be classified as a tool in the "Chatbot Platforms & Tools" category, while WeChat API is grouped under "Chat API".

According to the StackShare community, has a broader approval, being mentioned in 6 company stacks & 8 developers stacks; compared to WeChat API, which is listed in 3 company stacks and 5 developer stacks.

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Pros of WeChat API
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    What is

    API.AI is a natural language understanding platform that makes it easy for developers to design and integrate intelligent, robust conversational user interfaces into mobile, web applications, and devices.

    What is WeChat API?

    Access WeChat’s 300 million users and make your app a global phenomenon.

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    What companies use
    What companies use WeChat API?
    Manage your open source components, licenses, and vulnerabilities
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    What tools integrate with
    What tools integrate with WeChat API?

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    What are some alternatives to and WeChat API?
    Our artificial intelligence is agile: just create a few inputs and it will learn to detect the common meaning behind new sentences. Leverage the community to quickly build your bot with ready to use building blocks.
    Iti is an API that makes it very easy for developers to create applications or devices that you can talk to. Any app, or any device, like a smart watch, Google Glass, Nest, even a car, can stream audio to the Wit API, and get actionable data in return. We turn speech into actions. Think Twilio for Natural Language, with Stripe-level developer friendliness.
    It is the only chatbot platform built with the enterprise in mind. Build NLP ready chatbots that use machine language and AI to complete all types of tasks.
    Amazon Lex
    Lex provides the advanced deep learning functionalities of automatic speech recognition (ASR) for converting speech to text, and natural language understanding (NLU) to recognize the intent of the text, to enable you to build applications with highly engaging user experiences and lifelike conversational interactions.
    Give users new ways to interact with your product by building engaging voice and text-based conversational apps.
    See all alternatives