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Apache Aurora vs Google Cloud SQL: What are the differences?
What is Apache Aurora? An Apcahe Mesos framework for scheduling jobs, originally developed by Twitter. Apache Aurora is a service scheduler that runs on top of Mesos, enabling you to run long-running services that take advantage of Mesos' scalability, fault-tolerance, and resource isolation.
What is Google Cloud SQL? Store and manage data using a fully-managed, relational MySQL database. MySQL databases deployed in the cloud without a fuss. Google Cloud Platform provides you with powerful databases that run fast, don’t run out of space and give your application the redundant, reliable storage it needs.
Apache Aurora can be classified as a tool in the "Cluster Management" category, while Google Cloud SQL is grouped under "SQL Database as a Service".
Some of the features offered by Apache Aurora are:
- Deployment and scheduling of jobs
- The abstraction a “job” to bundle and manage Mesos tasks
- A rich DSL to define services
On the other hand, Google Cloud SQL provides the following key features:
- Familiar Infrastructure
- Flexible Charging
- Security, Availability, Durability
Apache Aurora is an open source tool with 616 GitHub stars and 230 GitHub forks. Here's a link to Apache Aurora's open source repository on GitHub.
Policygenius, Implisit, and OTOBANK are some of the popular companies that use Google Cloud SQL, whereas Apache Aurora is used by Twitter, Oscar Health, and Chartbeat. Google Cloud SQL has a broader approval, being mentioned in 112 company stacks & 100 developers stacks; compared to Apache Aurora, which is listed in 7 company stacks and 17 developer stacks.
Pros of Apache Aurora
Pros of Google Cloud SQL
- Fully managed13
- Backed by Google10
- SQL10
- Flexible4
- Encryption at rest and transit3
- Automatic Software Patching3
- Replication across multiple zone by default3