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BigchainDB vs IndexedDB: What are the differences?

Developers describe BigchainDB as "A database with blockchain characteristics". It is designed to merge the best of two worlds: the “traditional” distributed database world and the “traditional” blockchain world. With high throughput, low latency, powerful query functionality, decentralized control, immutable data storage and built-in asset support. On the other hand, IndexedDB is detailed as "A low-level API for client-side storage of significant amounts of structured data". This API uses indexes to enable high-performance searches of this data. While Web Storage is useful for storing smaller amounts of data, it is less useful for storing larger amounts of structured data.

BigchainDB and IndexedDB can be categorized as "Databases" tools.

Some of the features offered by BigchainDB are:

  • Decentralization
  • Immutability
  • Native Support of Multiassets

On the other hand, IndexedDB provides the following key features:

  • Stores key-pair values
  • It is not a relational database
  • IndexedDB API is mostly asynchronous

BigchainDB is an open source tool with 3.33K GitHub stars and 676 GitHub forks. Here's a link to BigchainDB's open source repository on GitHub.

Advice on BigchainDB and IndexedDB
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I'm currently developing an app that ranks trending stuff ( such as games, memes or movies, etc. ) or events in a particular country or region. Here are the specs: My app does not require registration and requires cookies and localStorage to track users. Users can add new entries to each trending category provided that their country of origin is recorded in cookies. If each category contains more than 100 items then the oldest items get deleted. The question is: what kind of database should I use for managing this app? Thanks in advance

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Replies (1)

I think your best and cheapest choice is going to be MongoDB, Although Postgres is probably going to be the more scaleable approach, you likely have a good idea of how you want to present your data, and the app seems small enough that you shouldn't need to worry about scaling issues. It also sounds like your app can grow in a linear capacity based on the number of users, and the amount of data, which is the perfect use-case for noSQL databases (linear, predictable scaling).

Correct me if I have any of these assumptions wrong. 1. You're looking to have a relatively high-read with a lower write volume 2. Your app is essentially a list of objects that can belong to a category 3. users can create objects in this list.

I think Mongo is going to be what you're looking for on the following basis: 1. you absolutely need a database that is shared by all users of your app, therefor IndexedDB is out of the question. 2. You have semi-structured data 3. you probably want the cheapest solution.

I think Postgres is wrong for the following reasons: 1. your app is pretty simple in concept, SQL databases will add unnecessary complexity to your system, either through ORMs or SQL queries. (use an ORM if you go with SQL) 2. Hosting SQL databases for production is not cheap! the cheapest solution I know of for Postgres is ElephantSQL. It provides 20MB for free with 5 concurrent connections, you should be okay to manage these limitations if you decide to go Postgres in the end. Whereas mongoDB Atlas has some great free-tier options.

Although your data might be easier to model in Postgres, you can certainly model your data as a single list of items that have a category attached.

I don't want to officially recommend another tool, but you should really checkout prisma, firebase, amplify, or Azure App Services for this app! Just go completely backend-less [Firebase] [Amplify] [Prisma] [Azure App Services]

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What is BigchainDB?

It is designed to merge the best of two worlds: the “traditional” distributed database world and the “traditional” blockchain world. With high throughput, low latency, powerful query functionality, decentralized control, immutable data storage and built-in asset support.

What is IndexedDB?

This API uses indexes to enable high-performance searches of this data. While Web Storage is useful for storing smaller amounts of data, it is less useful for storing larger amounts of structured data.

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What are some alternatives to BigchainDB and IndexedDB?
A decentralized platform for applications that run exactly as programmed without any chance of fraud, censorship or third-party interference.
MongoDB stores data in JSON-like documents that can vary in structure, offering a dynamic, flexible schema. MongoDB was also designed for high availability and scalability, with built-in replication and auto-sharding.
It is a protocol and network designed to create a content-addressable, peer-to-peer method of storing and sharing hypermedia in a distributed file system.
It is a platform that helps users to establish a certain private Blockchains that can be used by the organizations for financial transactions.
Hyperledger Fabric
It is a collaborative effort created to advance blockchain technology by identifying and addressing important features and currently missing requirements. It leverages container technology to host smart contracts called “chaincode” that comprise the application logic of the system.
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