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Synergy Physiotherapyclinic

Medical at Physiotherapy Clinic
Avatar of synergyphysiotherapybangalore
Medical at Physiotherapy Clinic·

Yes, your skills are a great start! HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL are essential for building an LMS. You might need to learn about user authentication and content management for a complete solution.

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Avatar of synergyphysiotherapybangalore
Medical at Physiotherapy Clinic·
Needs advice

Healthchecks.io is focused on monitoring periodic tasks, like cron jobs, while Squadcast is an incident management tool with on-call schedules and escalation policies. Consider your specific needs for task monitoring versus incident management when choosing between the two.

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Avatar of synergyphysiotherapybangalore
Medical at Physiotherapy Clinic·

Yes, your skills in HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL are enough to build a basic E-learning Management System (LMS). However, consider using Laravel or WordPress (with LMS plugins) for better scalability, security, and user management. Also, learn AJAX for dynamic features.

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