

Application and Data / Libraries / Charting Libraries
Hamburg University of Technology·
Needs advice

I want to build learning paths in a simple way and visualize them, the way Neo4j or D3.js do it. Example: I have a set of learning resources that can be connected depending on certain criteria. Thus, it would be possible for learners to start from various starting points and have learning paths depending on this starting point.

Following this, I need two things: first, a UI that lets me connect entries from a database so that a linear view, like a path, comes out. And second, a bird's eye view on the various paths like a force-directed graph that stems from the linear connections I made.

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Software Engineer & Support Operations Lead ·

Building and visualizing a graph doesn't require a complex engine. It could be done with Lucidchart, or even basic tools like Arrow Tool, or mind map tools like CMap, if a UI for a graph is your only goal.

That said, there are a lot of things you can only do with a real graph database.

  • Run applications on the data.
  • Import data to create a graph.
  • Search and query the graph, to filter to specific paths and nodes.
  • Run graph algorithms to find things like shortest path, betweenness, and community detection.

If you will need some of the features of a graph database, and a chart of your graph isn't enough, Neo4j will be the best avenue to explore. One word of caution, it has a little bit of a learning curve, but it is SO worth it. Graph databases, especially good ones like Neo4j, are an indescribably powerful tool for organizing information (any information).

GraphDBs are to RelationalDBs, what RelationalDBs are to Spreadsheets. But GraphDBs are way easier to learn.

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Needs advice

I'm a student, and I have a project to build an application (Visual analytics tool) that takes a Microsoft Excel file, cleans the data, and visualizes it. Also, the app should allow the user to filter and interact with it.

1- should I make it desktop application or web application? : I'm leaning toward (desktop)

2- D3.js OR Python?

3- better excel or CSV?

I'm a beginner Inspiration for interaction and look of the app: eventflow application.

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Lead Software Tools Engineer at Leonardo UK·

I would specifically recommend basing your application on Pandas which will handle the vast majority of the work for you. You will be amazed at what you will be able to get done with only a few lines of code.

Pandas can load the data from either Excel xslx files or csv files (and a lot of other places)

If you structure your code well you can have a cross platform command line program, a GUI desktop program, a Jupyter Notebook and a web service all with the vast majority of the code in common.

A jupyter notebook is a great place to start developing your code and may be all that you need.

Some plug-ins & resources that can help: - pandas-summary (for a rapid overview of the data): https://github.com/mouradmourafiq/pandas-summary - pandasgui (for exploring what you would like to do): https://github.com/adamerose/pandasgui - Pandas-Bokeh (plotting): https://github.com/PatrikHlobil/Pandas-Bokeh - plot.ly (plotting): https://plotly.com/python/pandas-backend/ - wxPython (for a desktop GUI): https://wxpython.org/

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October 30th 2020 at 4:17PM

yes. plotly xor bokeh. either would work.

November 1st 2020 at 6:19AM

it did not cross my mind "big data" things ..Thanks

Cloud Engineer at Alteryx·

Web app, definitely. It will help you find a job quicker out of school since the industry is moving towards SaaS and PaaS.

Python, it’s just so damn good when it comes to interaction with data.

CSV all the way because it’ll apply to a broader user base than Excel.

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Founder at iDigizen·
Needs advice
React D3 LibraryReact D3 Library


I am looking at integrating a charting library in my React frontend that allows me to create appealing and interactive charts. I have basic familiarity with ApexCharts with React but have also read about D3.js charts and it seems a much more involved integration. Can someone please share their experience across the two libraries on the following dimensions:

  1. Amount of work needed for integration
  2. Amount of work or ease for creating new charts in either of the libraries.



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