Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams

Business Tools / Collaboration / Group Chat & Notifications
Needs advice
Microsoft TeamsMicrosoft Teams

I need help taking a look at this solution for my company, which is looking into consolidating communications into a single platform. We want broad use across other companies and need the solution to have clear video-sharing and whiteboarding capabilities. While I understand that Microsoft Teams is bundled into my Microsoft subscription I have also heard that usability is questionable for agile organizations such as ours.

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Shared a protip

New versions of ChatGPT work well with the open internet. The New Plugin Marketplace helps us consume data from third-party sources that site back to that source. In addition, ChatGPT has plugins for core Microsoft Stack products, such as Microsoft Teams & Microsoft Excel

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Scrum Master at Costco Wholsale·

Looking for the pros and cons for a tool we can use best for cross-team collaboration (software development). Has anyone compared Google Hangouts Chat with Microsoft Teams? What were the advantages of either??

3 upvotes·86K views
Replies (1)
Microsoft Teams

If you need a workplace collaboration tool that integrates well with the entire suite of Microsoft productivity tools, Teams is what you want. Google Hangouts Chat is more specifically for video conferencing.

A more accurate comparison would be to compare Teams to Slack, and compare Hangouts Chat to Zoom. If your company is a Microsoft shop already, go with Teams. Otherwise Slack and Zoom.

5 upvotes·1 comment·10.1K views
Ashwani Agarwal
Ashwani Agarwal
July 16th 2020 at 9:37AM

The real question should be Microsoft Teams vs Slack. Hangout doesn't stand anywhere, it's not meant for collaboration; just for 1-on-1 or group chats. Even WhatsApp on Web will provide much much better functionalities (e.g Document sharing, and in-chat image viewer, basic formatting) (give you're okay with using WhatsApp for your work communications).
