What is Vite?
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Vite Integrations
Here are some stack decisions, common use cases and reviews by companies and developers who chose Vite in their tech stack.
I work for a firm that gave me the task to select a software stack that suits our needs, I already have some idea of what it is going to be but I am the only technical person in the firm so I need advice. I just got out of school so it's kinda overwhelming.
What we need - One MPA (so SSR and SEO) - Two SPA on the same domain as the MPA - A backend that works with MSSQL and the frontend
Because it is a pretty big enterprise project and my devs are familiar with Angular I want to use Angular with PrimeNg on top. For the backend, I think Django will be my choice because it works with our database and the built-in functionalities seem very nice.
I would also like to use Vite for faster development time but I am not sure if it will suit my needs.
The main question is can I use Angular for the MPA so SSR and Angular for the SPA's on the same domain, it opens a new tab when a link is clicked to the SPA. I need to hydrate some parts of the pages of the MPA too I was thinking to use Analogjs but vite ssr also seems similar.
Please help I'm confused.
Hello, I am working on a project consisting of several micro apps, set up using Nx. The feedback loop is very slow, so I was wondering if anyone has worked with something similar and has any advice on keeping the feedback loop tighter. Nx builds the Vue.js 2/3 apps using Vite, and I would love to be able to use hot reload.
Who uses Vite? I’m trying it with React, it obviously is less data and compiles fast, BUT, is it a good idea? I’m using it with Supabase.
TL;DR: Shall I keep developing with Nuxt.js 2 and wait for a migration guide to Nuxt 3? Or start developing with Vue.js 3 using Vite, and then migrate to Nuxt 3 when it comes out?
Long version: We have an old web application running on AngularJS and Bootstrap for frontend. It is mostly a user interface to easily read and post data to our engine.
We want to redo this web application. Started from scratch using the newest version of Angular 2+ and Material Design for frontend. We haven't even finished rewriting half of the application and it is becoming dreadful to work on.
- The cold start takes too much time
- Every little change reload the whole page. Seconds to minutes of development lost looking at a loading blank page just changing css
- Code maintainability is getting worse... again... as the application grows, since we must create everytime 5 files for a new page (html, component.ts, module.ts, scss, routing.ts)
I'm currently trying to code a Proof of Concept using Nuxt.js and Tailwind CSS. But the thing is, Vue.js 3 is out and has interesting features such as the composition API, teleport and fragments. Also we wish to use the Vite frontend tooling, to improve our time developing regardless of our application size. It feels like a better alternative to Webpack, which is what Nuxt 2 uses.
I'm already trying Nuxt.js with the nuxt-vite experimental module, but many nuxt modules are still incompatible from the time I'm posting this. It is also becoming cumbersome not being able to use teleport or fragments, but that can be circumvented with good components.
What I'm asking is, what should be the wisest decision: keep developing with Nuxt 2 and wait for a migration guide to Nuxt 3? Or start developing with Vue.js 3 using Vite, and then migrate to Nuxt 3 when it comes out?
Vite's Features
- Lightning-fast cold server start
- Instant hot module replacement (HMR)
- True on-demand compilation