Needs advice

I have used highcharts and it is pretty awesome for my previous project. now as I am about to start my new project I want to use other charting libraries such as recharts, chart js, Nivo, d3 js.... my upcoming project might use react js as front end and laravel as a backend technology. the project would be of hotel management type. please suggest me the best charts to use

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Replies (1)
Avatar of DazAdams
Senior Developer at Burning Glass Technologies·

I've used Highcharts with both Angular Js Reactive applications (render as ReactJs) and also a bit of D3. Personally I found Highcharts to be the easiest to use but, with still quite a good level of customisability if you need it. graphs and charts then give D3 a try.

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Jessica Verduzco
Jessica Verduzco
August 24th 2021 at 2:41PM

On my last project I used React and Chart.js and they play very well together, it was easy to use and didn't have any problem using it. Currently I'm using Highcharts and its pretty good too, I feel like it is more complete for complex charts.

Avatar of Darren Adams

Darren Adams

Senior Developer at Burning Glass Technologies