Avatar of Jacobfromncintev
Brand Director at NCINTEV·

I’m well aware of the hate that php receives and some of it is well warranted. But the ease of implementation for so many features that I find myself needed on a daily basis is head and shoulders above what I could achieve with JavaScript on my backend. I can do more without the need of frameworks but I still have many options if I want that. Especially with database handling I find many of the complainants about php to be pure rhetoric.

15 upvotes·2 comments·124.7K views
January 26th 2022 at 9:24AM

after all, PHP is still a tool that may be useful and handy to handle some scenarios, I believe it's ok to use it even the hate speech against it just in case it solves a problem for you or provides an easy implementation.

Matthew Hernandez
Matthew Hernandez
January 29th 2022 at 3:04PM

not really some, but equally most scenarios you're pretty much good with php tbh

Avatar of Jacob M

Jacob M

Brand Director at NCINTEV