Avatar of Werner Ackermann
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Visual Studio CodeVisual Studio CodeAtomAtom

Visual Studio Code became available around the time my Atom editor started frustrating with hitching and slowdowns. It was likely some plugin I had installed, but a similar setup in Visual Studio Code ran just fine.

Since then they've made massive improvements, and turned it into an excellent IDE overall. I use only a fraction of its functionality, but unless you use some very obscure language, you're likely to find support for it.

Even out of the box it already supports much of what I need, and it now even recommends suitable plugins in many situations.

4 upvotes·7.2K views

These are vastly different tools. Redis might be great for FAST access or caching something temporarily, but it doesn't really work as a primary data store.

If you're going enterprise-grade, you might have an RDS like PostgreSQL doing the bulk of the work, but the employ something like Redis to handle some form of caching or temporary data to take load off your RDS servers.

It's also important to note, that Redis does not really support complex queries and data schemas, even though there's ways of implementing them. It's more like shared memory than data storage.

4 upvotes·1 comment·157 views
Michael Wyllie
Michael Wyllie
February 26th 2022 at 3:08AM

Thanks for the feedback


The 'trust' connection still requires the user name to be valid and is generally not recommended unless it's a local connection.

If the user name does not exist or does not have permission for that specific database the connection will still be refused.

1 upvote·4.4K views