Needs advice

I'm currently building a web app and I'm considering using reactstrap. Are there any potential cons or problems I should know about?

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Replies (2)
Avatar of Someskumarasamy
Member Technical Staff at Manage Engine, division of Zoho Corp·

React strap is react wrapper for bootstrap. React strap will only provide structural react components. So both are same

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Avatar of bhubr
JavaScript Instructor at Wild Code School·

Hello! I strongly recommend reactstrap or react-bootstrap over "vanilla" Bootstrap. Bootstrap relies on jQuery (that is, until v4.x) for all interactive elements, e.g. collapsibles, carousels, etc.

Reactstrap handles this "the React way", which is a big plus if you don't want to reinvent the wheel. I have yet to see major drawbacks. However you have to carefully read the docs, especially which props are accepted by Reactstrap components.

For example you might want to have internal navigation links handled by React Router's Link or NavLink component. In the latter case you have to do:

import { NavLink as RouterNavLink } from 'react-router-dom'

so that the name doesn't collide with Reactstrap's own NavLink.

Then you can use something like:

<NavLink tag={RouterNavLink} to="/about">About</NavLink>

I also mentioned react-bootstrap which had Bootstrap 4.x support added way after Reactstrap, but seems to be a good option too.

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Avatar of somes kumar k

somes kumar k

Member Technical Staff at Manage Engine, division of Zoho Corp