I am just a beginner at these two technologies.
Problem statement: I am getting lakh of users from the sequel server for whom I need to create caches in MongoDB by making different REST API requests.
Here these users can be treated as messages. Each REST API request is a task.
I am confused about whether I should go for RabbitMQ alone or Celery.
If I have to go with RabbitMQ, I prefer to use python with Pika module. But the challenge with Pika is, it is not thread-safe. So I am not finding a way to execute a lakh of API requests in parallel using multiple threads using Pika.
If I have to go with Celery, I don't know how I can achieve better scalability in executing these API requests in parallel.
For large amounts of small tasks and caches I have had good luck with Redis and RQ. I have not personally used celery but I am fairly sure it would scale well, and I have not used RabbitMQ for anything besides communication between services. If you prefer python my suggestions should feel comfortable.
Sorry I do not have a more information