This week, we finally released In the end, I chose to provision our server on DigitalOcean. So far, I am SO happy with that decision. Although setting everything up was a challenge, and I learned a lot, DigitalOceans blogs helped in so many ways. I was able to set up nginx and the Laravel web app pretty smoothly. I am also using Buddy for deploying changes made in git, which is super awesome. All I have to do in order to deploy is push my code to my private repo, and buddy transfers everything over to DigitalOcean. So far, we haven't had any downtime and DigitalOceans prices are quite fair for the power under the hood.
Great i just wanna learn about trick how to auto deploy after pushing to Git
thanks to your comment i ll see about Buddy
Buddy is amazing man. And for our site it is free, which is incredible.
I will say that last week DigitalOcean had an outage for a little. Didn't last very long, but something to think about.
Nothing has 100% uptime; you should always design and plan for outages as well. This lets you at least have some say in the user experience even during an outage.
How do you design and plan for outages if the server is completely down?