Frontend Developer at atSistemas·
Needs advice

I'm building, from scratch, a webapp. It's going to be a dashboard to check on our apps in New Relic and update the Apdex from the webapp. I have just chosen Next.js as our framework because we use React already, and after going through the tutorial, I just loved the latest changes they have implemented.

But we have to decide on a CSS framework for the UI. I'm partial to Bulma because I love that it's all about CSS (and you can use SCSS from the start), that it's rather lightweight and that it doesn't come with JavaScript clutter. One of the things I hate about Bootstrap is that you depend on jQuery to use the JavaScript part. My boss loves UIkIt, but when I've used it in the past, I didn't like it.

What do you think we should use? Maybe you have another suggestion?

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Tailwind CSS

You can also check TailWindCss

Tailwind CSS - A Utility-First CSS Framework for Rapidly Building Custom Designs (
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Daniel Hernández Alcojor
Daniel Hernández Alcojor
June 15th 2020 at 7:27AM

Thanks for the recommendation. I did check it, but it seems more useful for bigger apps. What I'm building is something simple and I think Tailwind would be overkill for this. But I will definitely try it for some other, bigger, project.


I have used bulma in several projects. We could not customize with the websites very well. Also when we need "quick solutions" Bulma is not suitable (I mean basic animations, to-top buttons, transparent navbar solutions etc. For these solutions, you need extra js codes).

Everybody knows about Bootstrap (heavy but popular).

Now we start a new project with UI kit, I like it. Pros: It is fast and lightweight and imho it has very good UI. Cons: Small community. Documentation.

Check this link for kick-off.

Maybe it is helpful.

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