Needs advice
React NativeReact Native
Vue NativeVue Native

I'm a huge fan of Vue.js and I'm pretty comfortable with it. I need to build a mobile app for my company and I was now wondering whether I could make use of VueJS with Vue Native instead of switching to React. I know Vue Native builds on top of RN. My question is whether I'd have as much freedom with Vue Native over RN and whether you feel like Vue Native is "production ready" or not. Not sure of which shortcomings I may find using Vue Native... Thanks a lot!!!

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Replies (1)
Avatar of blhylton
Lead Developer ·
Vue NativeVue Native

Vue Native is definitely production-ready in my experience. I've used both, have apps built with both in production right now, and both are fine technologies. As far as I can recall, there's nothing in RN that you can't do in VN. Given that, I would say go with "the devil you know".

That said, the one downside of VN over RN is that there are a lot more people using RN last I checked, so there are likely more resources readily available.

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Andrea Taglia
Andrea Taglia
June 3rd 2020 at 3:45PM

Thanks a lot Barry. Surely there are tons more stuff on ReactNative over VN. Super useful. The thing is that i don't deeply understand those technologies to have a full picture. I'm on it in these days though.

Barry Hylton
Barry Hylton
June 4th 2020 at 6:57AM

Yeah, and that's why I say go with what you know, but don't let that stop you if you would rather use React. I don't find the concepts behind Vue and React to be all that different which makes the transition between the two fairly simple.

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