Hello everyone,
Well, I want to build a large-scale project, but I do not know which ORDBMS to choose. The app should handle real-time operations, not chatting, but things like future scheduling or reminders. It should be also really secure, fast and easy to use. And last but not least, should I use them both. I mean PostgreSQL with Python / Django and MongoDB with Node.js? Or would it be better to use PostgreSQL with Node.js?
*The project is going to use React for the front-end and GraphQL is going to be used for the API.
Thank you all. Any answer or advice would be really helpful!
I mean what you use really comes down to your team. I would normally pick a relationship database over an object store for reporting and other things down the road that are much harder to do with a DB like MongoDB. As for language, I would pick Elixir as it does these things really well but that because that is what I know best. Python or Node.js are also sure good choices. Whoever is building should probably pick the language, framework, and database.