Avatar of heavenzharvey2881470
developer at dezygic·
Needs advice

Hello everyone, we are planning to develop an e-wallet app and I was thinking of using Flutter and Dart for frontend then for backend we are not sure. please help with a backend stack

2 upvotes·6.2K views
Replies (2)

As a developer, I recommend using AWS because of its seamless integration into Flutter with the Amplify CLI. However, you may want to consider Firebase and make a cost breakdown of the two providers.

2 upvotes·56 views
Mobile Engineer ·

AFAIK, flutter is not bad when we talking about low to mid range application, and java was good in security when we talking about money transaction, most banking company still using java for their backend because it's safe for money transaction.

1 upvote·66 views
Avatar of Harvey Heavenz

Harvey Heavenz

developer at dezygic