Needs advice

I know this is a fairly common question, but I feel like this stuff is pretty dynamic, and things fall in/out of fashion over time.

So here it is: I am an aspiring front-end web developer (eventually full stack, but focused on front-end for the time being). I feel pretty comfortable with HTML5, CSS/Sass, and I know enough JavaScript to get by.

I am an adult student doing the self-teaching route, and while my grasp on vanilla JS isn't stellar, I feel like it would be a good idea to start incorporating a framework into my learning. I just have no idea which to choose. To be honest, Svelte looks the best to me, BUT I am looking to be marketable in the future, so it's probably best to start with a more popular framework.

React seems to be the obvious answer popularity-wise, but I want to hear updated opinions from people in the field. While I haven't completely defined my focus, I like creating UI's and really have fun with CSS/Sass.

Thanks in advance, and I hope you're all having a great and safe weekend.

7 upvotes·131.4K views
Replies (5)

Start by looking at the jobs in the area where you want to live, if you can look at history to see if there is significant growth in one of the frameworks you are considering. If there is no significant change over time pick the one with the most jobs or pick the one with the most jobs at the companies you are interested in joining.

Then learn the one that has the most upside based on your employment research.

If it is purely to learn, pick one and move through all three at a rudimentary level, then pick one to deep dive.

5 upvotes·15.1K views

I am glad you like Svelte! and I am glad you didn't listed Angular.

I would go with my point of view, if you're considerably new to javascript, I would consider to focus on sharpening those skills. You will need them in order to build anything with those 3 options. You may be surprised how important is to get into the market, so, I would recommend 2 options: * Vue.js has a lot of acceptance nowadays, it's robust enough and ecosystem grows and thrives. Also I consider by my own experience the simplest to learn. Nonetheless, in my experience I don't see vue thriving as much as react. * React.js is the most popular, the one that would probably teach you best javascript and probably for. new learners the least simple to learn. However, once you get it, you would never look back and wonder why you took the decision. React.js is not going anywhere, it would be the option to choose for quite long time. Has wide market acceptance and ecosystem is fantastic.

You could always learn them at the same time tho! It's really up to you! Have fun

10 upvotes·2 comments·508.2K views
ifck dsk
ifck dsk
December 11th 2021 at 4:32AM

I am glad you like Svelte! and I am glad you didn't listed Angular.


Zomon Orfega
Zomon Orfega
June 7th 2024 at 8:17AM

I am glad to appreciate your efforts for adding me,as a member

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