Needs advice
React NativeReact Native

Hi, I'm considering building a social marketplace app on android, ios and web, Flutter seems to be a good UI framework for cross-platform apps, it's safe type, hot reload, and native compiling on native machine code (thanks to Dart). My question is, for an MVP product is it a good choice? if yes, will it be on the mid-term, long term? Or will I have to change as the users grow?

thank you

11 upvotes·193.1K views
Replies (3)

For the most part, Dart/Flutter is a great choice for cross-platform application development. The platform is developed by Google, and will be around for a long time. Unless you need to do very low level stuff, like bluetooth tethering or 3D drawing, flutter should be able to handle anything you need it to.

4 upvotes·32.2K views

I agree with John. For the most part, Flutter has been easier to maintain as time goes on when comparing to react native. And in the landscape, the people at Flutter appears to be very active with the framework, a lot of things cooking. Flutter web is very new, but it'll only get better, more stable.

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John Proffer
