Yarn v3 is a fantastic tool to organize monorepos. Thanks to its offline cache, our CI/CD steps are streamlined and faster.

Other tools like Turbo integrate easily with its monorepo features.

One regretful thing is that Yarn PnP is not widely supported, which does not allow us to fully use Zero-installs/PnP for even faster builds and a better developer experience.

Make your CI faster and improve developer experience: Upgrade to Yarn >2 with (or without) Plug’n’Play | by Julien Fouilhé | inato | Medium (medium.com)
11 upvotes·2 comments·10.9K views
Pouya Ataei
Pouya Ataei
June 27th 2022 at 8:37AM

PNPM is faster, supports everything that you mentioned, and is out of a box replacement for NPM. Not sure how Yarn is chosen here, am I missing something ?

Maggie Joseph
Maggie Joseph
June 13th 2022 at 7:41AM

nice info

Avatar of Julien Fouilhé

Julien Fouilhé

CTO at Jasp