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Needs advice on code coverage tool in Node.js/ExpressJS with External API Testing Framework

Hello community,

I have a web application with the backend developed using Node.js and Express.js. The backend server is in one directory, and I have a separate API testing framework, made using SuperTest, Mocha, and Chai, in another directory. The testing framework pings the API, retrieves responses, and performs validations.

I'm currently looking for a code coverage tool that can accurately measure the code coverage of my backend code when triggered by the API testing framework. I've tried using Istanbul and NYC with instrumented code, but the results are not as expected.

Could you please recommend a reliable code coverage tool or suggest an approach to effectively measure the code coverage of my Node.js/Express.js backend code in this setup?

41 upvotes·29.8K views
Replies (3)

For measuring code coverage in your Node.js/Express.js application with external API testing, try the following approach using Istanbul (NYC) in conjunction with your testing framework:

Install Necessary Packages: Ensure you have the necessary packages installed in your backend directory:

bash Copy code npm install nyc mocha chai supertest --save-dev Configure NYC: Create an .nycrc configuration file in your backend directory:

json Copy code { "all": true, "include": ["src//*.js"], "reporter": ["html", "text-summary"], "extension": [".js"], "exclude": ["test//*.js"] } Instrument Your Code: Use NYC to instrument your code. You can do this directly in your package.json scripts. For example:

json Copy code "scripts": { "start": "node src/index.js", "test": "nyc --reporter=lcov mocha test/*/.test.js", "coverage": "nyc report --reporter=text-lcov | coveralls" } Run Your Tests: Execute your tests using the command:

bash Copy code npm test This command will run your Mocha tests and generate a coverage report.

Check the Coverage Report: After running your tests, check the generated coverage report in the coverage directory. It should include an HTML report you can view in your browser.

By following these steps, NYC will instrument your backend code and generate an accurate coverage report based on the tests run by SuperTest, Mocha, and Chai.

If you still encounter issues, consider:

Ensuring your tests are comprehensive and hitting all relevant routes and functions in your API. Reviewing your folder structure and .nycrc configuration to confirm all necessary files are included/excluded correctly. Checking for any discrepancies in how your API testing framework interacts with the instrumented code. Additionally, you might want to explore other tools like Jest which comes with built-in code coverage and can simplify the process.

15 upvotes·2 comments·4.7K views
suwaidi online
suwaidi online
July 24th 2024 at 8:14AM

Ceasuring code coverage in your Node.js/Express.js application with external API testing, try the following approach using Istanbul (NYC) in conjunction with your testing framework

Anurag Maurya
Anurag Maurya
July 17th 2024 at 7:25AM

Thank you so much


For accurate code coverage in your Node.js/Express.js setup, consider using c8, a modern code coverage tool that works well with Istanbul and NYC. Ensure you run c8 in the same context as your tests to capture coverage correctly. Additionally, verify your test configuration to ensure all relevant files are included in the coverage report.

14 upvotes·1 comment·3.9K views
Anurag Maurya
Anurag Maurya
August 2nd 2024 at 12:54PM

Thank you,

Sure, I will check this.

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