Hey everyone, I am a backend developer who specializes in Java and Spring Boot having an experience of 4 years. And due to my shift in the project, now I need to deal with the .NET Core technology, as a Java developer before I need to know where to start in order to support the project and build REST API.
Can I get advice on how to move on to the new backend stack and what to learn and how to get hands-on with the .NET?
I would recommend that you become familiar with the C# language. J. Albahari's reference book is suitable for this. To learn rest api development, read Andrew Lock's book "Asp Net Core in Action"
Hi Magomed, thank you for helping me out here and which version of c# can I start with?
Not Magomed, but it'll mainly depend on which version of .NET you're working on. Since you mentioned .NET Core, the default for 3.1 LTS is C# 8.0 (2.1 LTS is deprecated, but supports up to 7.3), but .NET 6 defaults to C# 10.
If you know the specific .NET version you'll be using, you can refer to this table in the docs for reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/configure-language-version
There's not a whole lot of things that I can think of off the top of my head that I really see being used all that often from the last few versions of C#. I can almost guarantee that any tutorials or guides that you'll come across will be written using language features that are 8.0 or less, as a lot of code I've seen doesn't make use of some of the newer syntax in 9 and beyond. (Though Record types and the pattern matching changes are quite nice and came about in 9.0!)
Right now my project is being developed in .Net Core 3.1 itself. And Thanks a lot, Aron, for clearing my question up there and providing me with the extra info needed to get things going. Cheers!
IMHO I think it is the best framework to build software on. Since you are coming from Java, It should not be too difficult to adjust to C#. NET Core has come a long way. NET6 is just amazing. With the minimal API, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/minimal-apis?view=aspnetcore-6.0 REST API should be very easy work for starters. When you settle in, you can go more advanced.
Although this is dated - https://download.microsoft.com/download/D/E/E/DEE91FC0-7AA9-4F6E-9FFA-8658AA0FA080/CSharp%20for%20Java%20Developers%20-%20Cheat%20Sheet.pdf it provides you side by side comparison of syntax. Another cool read is - https://betterprogramming.pub/java-to-c-c-to-java-f766c9f659c4
Feel free to reach out if you need any assistance.
Welcome aboard
I would agree. As a Java developer you'll feel very comfortable, and there are a lot of things that you may come to get used to with the language that would make switching back to Java really difficult. There's just a lot of quality of life features about C#/.NET Core/.NET 5+ that make it way easier and less verbose than Java, in my opinion.
Hi Bernard, Thank you! for sharing the resources which helps me out to see the differences from Java to .Net & to get started with this new tech. Mainly,for the cheat sheet and cool blog to get an immediate understanding.