SVP, Engineering at Fastly·

When I joined NYT there was already broad dissatisfaction with the LAMP (Linux Apache HTTP Server MySQL PHP) Stack and the front end framework, in particular. So, I wasn't passing judgment on it. I mean, LAMP's fine, you can do good work in LAMP. It's a little dated at this point, but it's not ... I didn't want to rip it out for its own sake, but everyone else was like, "We don't like this, it's really inflexible." And I remember from being outside the company when that was called MIT FIVE when it had launched. And been observing it from the outside, and I was like, you guys took so long to do that and you did it so carefully, and yet you're not happy with your decisions. Why is that? That was more the impetus. If we're going to do this again, how are we going to do it in a way that we're gonna get a better result?

So we're moving quickly away from LAMP, I would say. So, right now, the new front end is React based and using Apollo. And we've been in a long, protracted, gradual rollout of the core experiences.

React is now talking to GraphQL as a primary API. There's a Node.js back end, to the front end, which is mainly for server-side rendering, as well.

Behind there, the main repository for the GraphQL server is a big table repository, that we call Bodega because it's a convenience store. And that reads off of a Kafka pipeline.

The Evolution of The New York Times Tech Stack | StackShare (
46 upvotes·7 comments·4.3M views
Josh Dzielak
Josh Dzielak
December 4th 2018 at 9:57PM

Bodega is a great name for that :)

Martin Pichler
Martin Pichler
September 4th 2021 at 3:54PM

Very engaging read, I've always wondered what runs a trustworthy news source such as the NYT!

Nima Heydarian
Nima Heydarian
May 9th 2020 at 12:23AM

Thank you for sharing

Bruno Carneiro
Bruno Carneiro
July 30th 2020 at 9:16PM


José Sachs
José Sachs
August 18th 2020 at 7:01AM

no Svelte? :O

Rodrigo Leonavas
Rodrigo Leonavas
May 21st 2021 at 5:35PM

If you check you'll see they use it

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Nick Rockwell

SVP, Engineering at Fastly