Needs advice

Hi Everybody. I would have your advice about the use of Material-UI ( framework, taking into account that we have two products made with React ( framework and considering that the team is very skillful in REACT and TS.

What do you think about adding Material framework (because a designer asks for it) in a very strong REACT and TS ecosystem?

Thanks in advance for your help! 🤓

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Replies (2)
Avatar of ErikDakoda
QEEBI Marketing Inc.·

In your question, you mention Material-UI (, but what you really want is MUI ( This is a great UI framework that I have used in several projects. It comes with a complete set of components and is easily themable and customizable. Some people are against it because it may increase your bundle size, so to avoid that make sure to always use path imports (

4 upvotes·5.5K views

If your designer asked for it then use material ui. Because this means that designer will design according to design system of material and probably not make different components from material ui. This will speed up your development speed up to x2.

But you need take some gotchas into account. 1. Material ui uses css in js and it hardly support new react nextjs features. And currently material team works on it. 2. It will be hard to customize components if you need something different. 3. If you have totally different design system and want to addapt material ui in my opinion it is worst idea. Because it won't be perfect.

  1. Radix ui, react aria i think more preferable if you want to craft components from scratch how you want without losing ♿ accessiblty

  2. Tailwind, panda css or vanilla extract are better solutions today for styling components according to design system.

    1. Don't forget it will take time without material ui
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