What is Protractor?
Who uses Protractor?
Protractor Integrations
Here are some stack decisions, common use cases and reviews by companies and developers who chose Protractor in their tech stack.
We are planning to switch to an automation tool as Protractor is not going to provide support.
Why does everyone prefer Cypress which is a paid tool if we have Nightwatchjs? Can someone help me understand which one to prefer with their advantages and disadvantages?
Protractor or Cypress for ionic-angular?
We have a huge ionic-angular app with almost 100 pages and 10+ injectables. There are no tests written yet. Before we start, we need some suggestions about the framework. Would you suggest Cypress or Angular's Protractor with Jasmine / Karma for a heavy ionic app with Angular?
Currently, we are using Protractor in our project. Since Protractor isn't updated anymore, we are looking for a new tool. The strongest suggestions are WebdriverIO or Puppeteer. Please help me figure out what tool would make the transition fastest and easiest. Please note that Protractor uses its own locator system, and we want the switch to be as simple as possible. Thank you!
Protractor's Features
- Test Like a User
- For Angular Apps
- Automatic Waiting