Currently, we are using Protractor in our project. Since Protractor isn't updated anymore, we are looking for a new tool. The strongest suggestions are WebdriverIO or Puppeteer. Please help me figure out what tool would make the transition fastest and easiest. Please note that Protractor uses its own locator system, and we want the switch to be as simple as possible. Thank you!
Moving away from Protractor, I would suggest giving Playwright ( a quick try, as it seems to have more momentum than Puppeteer at the moment. WebDriverIO is a more mature, higher-level tool, which can also use Puppeteer under the hood, and offers interesting built-in functionality. Depending on the size of your framework, it might be easier to switch to either one of those. I would recommend writing down your key criteria for the decision, then running a short POC with both Playwright and WebDriverIO running against your target application.
Hi Raziel, take a look at Playwright which is kind of the successor of Puppeteer, this is a new project backed up by Microsoft and developed by the same team that started Puppeteer a while ago. It works for all major browsers. Have been using it in a couple of projects and works great.