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Alternatives to React Router

React Navigation, Next.js, Switch, styled-components, and Storybook are the most popular alternatives and competitors to React Router.
+ 1

What is React Router and what are its top alternatives?

React Router is a complete routing solution designed specifically for React.js. It painlessly synchronizes the components of your application with the URL, with first-class support for nesting, transitions, and server side rendering.
React Router is a tool in the JavaScript Framework Components category of a tech stack.
React Router is an open source tool with GitHub stars and GitHub forks. Here’s a link to React Router's open source repository on GitHub

Top Alternatives to React Router

  • React Navigation
    React Navigation

    Start quickly with built-in navigators that deliver a seamless out-of-the box experience. Navigation views that deliver 60fps animations, and utilize native components to deliver a great look and feel. ...

  • Next.js

    Next.js is a minimalistic framework for server-rendered React applications.

  • Switch

    Ring your mobile phone, computer, and desk phone at the same time. Answer calls and switch seamlessly between devices. Use your personal device with a business phone number so you're always reachable. ...

  • styled-components

    Visual primitives for the component age. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress 💅 ...

  • Storybook

    It is an open source tool for developing UI components in isolation for React, Vue, and Angular. It makes building stunning UIs organized and efficient. ...

  • Ant Design
    Ant Design

    An enterprise-class UI design language and React-based implementation. Graceful UI components out of the box, base on React Component. A npm + webpack + babel + dora + dva development framework. ...

  • Angular CLI
    Angular CLI

    A command-line interface tool that you use to initialize, develop, scaffold, and maintain Angular applications. You can use the tool directly in a command shell, or indirectly through an interactive UI such as Angular Console. ...

  • Angular Material
    Angular Material

    Sprint from Zero to App. Hit the ground running with comprehensive, modern UI components that work across the web, mobile and desktop. It allows to create material styled angular apps fast and easy. ...

React Router alternatives & related posts

React Navigation logo

React Navigation

Flexible navigation library for React Native and web. Learn once, navigate anywhere.
+ 1
  • 1
    Easy to use
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    related React Navigation posts

    Next.js logo


    A small framework for server-rendered universal JavaScript apps
    + 1
    • 49
      Automatic server rendering and code splitting
    • 43
      Built with React
    • 33
      Easy setup
    • 26
    • 24
      Universal JavaScript
    • 22
      Zero setup
    • 21
      Static site generator
    • 12
      Simple deployment
    • 12
      Just JavaScript
    • 12
      Incremental static regeneration
    • 10
      Filesystem as an API
    • 10
      Frictionless development
    • 9
      Everything is a function
    • 9
      Well Documented
    • 8
      Has many examples and integrations
    • 8
    • 7
      Isomorphic React applications
    • 4
      File based routing + hooks built in
    • 2
    • 1
    • 9
      Structure is weak compared to Angular(2+)

    related Next.js posts

    I'm working as one of the engineering leads in RunaHR. As our platform is a Saas, we thought It'd be good to have an API (We chose Ruby and Rails for this) and a SPA (built with React and Redux ) connected. We started the SPA with Create React App since It's pretty easy to start.

    We use Jest as the testing framework and react-testing-library to test React components. In Rails we make tests using RSpec.

    Our main database is PostgreSQL, but we also use MongoDB to store some type of data. We started to use Redis  for cache and other time sensitive operations.

    We have a couple of extra projects: One is an Employee app built with React Native and the other is an internal back office dashboard built with Next.js for the client and Python in the backend side.

    Since we have different frontend apps we have found useful to have Bit to document visual components and utils in JavaScript.

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    Robert Zuber

    We are in the process of adopting Next.js as our React framework and using Storybook to help build our React components in isolation. This new part of our frontend is written in TypeScript, and we use Emotion for CSS/styling. For delivering data, we use GraphQL and Apollo. Jest, Percy, and Cypress are used for testing.

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    Switch logo


    Cloud-based phone system built for Google Apps users
    + 1
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        related Switch posts

        styled-components logo


        Visual primitives for the component age. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps...
        + 1
        • 11
          Very easy to use and integrate
        • 1
          Be the first to leave a con

          related styled-components posts

          Johnny Bell

          For Stack Decisions I needed to add Markdown in the decision composer to give our users access to some general styling when writing their decisions. We used React & GraphQL on the #Frontend and Ruby & GraphQL on the backend.

          Instead of using Showdown or another tool, We decided to parse the Markdown on the backend so we had more control over what we wanted to render in Markdown because we didn't want to enable all Markdown options, we also wanted to limit any malicious code or images to be embedded into the decisions and Markdown was a fairly large to import into our component so it was going to add a lot of kilobytes that we didn't need.

          We also needed to style how the markdown looked, we are currently using Glamorous so I used that but we are planning to update this to Emotion at some stage as it has a fairly easy upgrade path rather than switching over to styled-components or one of the other cssInJs alternatives.

          Also we used React-Mentions for tagging tools and topics in the decisions. Typing @ will let you tag a tool, and typing # will allow you to tag a topic.

          The Markdown options that we chose to support are tags: a, code, u, b, em, pre, ul, ol, li.

          If there are anymore tags you'd love to see added in the composer leave me a comment below and we will look into adding them.


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          ReactQL is a React + GraphQL front-end starter kit. #JSX is a natural way to think about building UI, and it renders to pure #HTML in the browser and on the server, making it trivial to build server-rendered Single Page Apps. GraphQL via Apollo was chosen for the data layer; #GraphQL makes it simple to request just the data your app needs, and #Apollo takes care of communicating with your API (written in any language; doesn't have to be JavaScript!), caching, and rendering to #React.

          ReactQL is written in TypeScript to provide full types/Intellisense, and pick up hard-to-diagnose goofs that might later show up at runtime. React makes heavy use of Webpack 4 to handle transforming your code to an optimised client-side bundle, and in throws back just enough code needed for the initial render, while seamlessly handling import statements asynchronously as needed, making the payload your user downloads ultimately much smaller than trying to do it by hand.

          React Helmet was chosen to handle <head> content, because it works universally, making it easy to throw back the correct <title> and other tags on the initial render, as well as inject new tags for subsequent client-side views.

          styled-components, Sass, Less and PostCSS were added to give developers a choice of whether to build styles purely in React / JavaScript, or whether to defer to a #css #preprocessor. This is especially useful for interop with UI frameworks like Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Foundation, etc - ReactQL lets you mix and match #css and renders to both a static .css file during bundling as well as generates per-page <style> tags when using #StyledComponents.

          React Router handles routing, because it works both on the server and in the client. ReactQL customises it further by capturing non-200 responses on the server, redirecting or throwing back custom 404 pages as needed.

          Koa is the web server that handles all incoming HTTP requests, because it's fast (TTFB < 5ms, even after fully rendering React), and its natively #async, making it easy to async/await inside routes and middleware.

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          Storybook logo


          Build bulletproof UI components faster
          + 1
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              related Storybook posts

              Robert Zuber

              We are in the process of adopting Next.js as our React framework and using Storybook to help build our React components in isolation. This new part of our frontend is written in TypeScript, and we use Emotion for CSS/styling. For delivering data, we use GraphQL and Apollo. Jest, Percy, and Cypress are used for testing.

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              Shared insights

              Hi Team,

              I need a UI component library where i should be able to integrate with the Angular framework and develop components and again i should be able to deploy them in an isolated environment which should not impact the app.

              I am using Storybook, due to some glitch in storybook new version, We could not able to see the source code in the deployed version.

              We mainly use storybook for demo purposes where we show the code as well. So please help, can I use Bit for my requirement?

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              Ant Design logo

              Ant Design

              A set of high-quality React components
              + 1
              PROS OF ANT DESIGN
              • 47
                Lots of components
              • 33
                Polished and enterprisey look and feel
              • 21
              • 20
                Easy to integrate
              • 18
                Es6 support
              • 17
                Typescript support
              • 17
                Beautiful and solid
              • 16
                Beautifully Animated Components
              • 15
                Quick Release rhythm
              • 14
                Great documentation
              • 2
                Easy to customize Forms
              • 1
                Opensource and free of cost
              CONS OF ANT DESIGN
              • 24
              • 10
                Large File Size
              • 4
                Poor accessibility support
              • 3
                Dangerous to use as a base in component libraries

              related Ant Design posts

              Sarmad Chaudhary
              Founder & CEO at Ebiz Ltd. · | 9 upvotes · 1.3M views

              Hi there!

              I just want to have a simple poll/vote...

              If you guys need a UI/Component Library for React, Vue.js, or AngularJS, which type of library would you prefer between:

              1 ) A single maintained cross-framework library that is 100% compatible and can be integrated with any popular framework like Vue, React, Angular 2, Svelte, etc.

              2) A native framework-specific library developed to work only on target framework like ElementUI for Vue, Ant Design for React.

              Your advice would help a lot! Thanks in advance :)

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              Hello, A question to frontend developers. I am a beginner on frontend.

              I am building a UI for my company to replace old legacy one with React and this question is about choosing how to apply design to it.

              I have Tailwind CSS on one hand and Ant Design on the other (I didnt like mui and Bootstrap doesn't seem to have enterprise components as ant) As far as I understand, tailwind is great. It allows me to literally build an application without touching the css but I have to build my own react components with it. Ant design or mantine has ready to use components which I can use and rapidly build my application.

              My question is, is it the right approach to: - Use a component framework for now and replace legacy app. - Introduce tailwind later when I have a frontend resource in hand and then build own component library

              Thank you.

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              Angular CLI logo

              Angular CLI

              A command line interface for Angular
              + 1
              PROS OF ANGULAR CLI
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                CONS OF ANGULAR CLI
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                  Vaibhav Taunk
                  Team Lead at Technovert · | 31 upvotes · 3.6M views

                  I am starting to become a full-stack developer, by choosing and learning .NET Core for API Development, Angular CLI / React for UI Development, MongoDB for database, as it a NoSQL DB and Flutter / React Native for Mobile App Development. Using Postman, Markdown and Visual Studio Code for development.

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                  Picked Angular 2 as framework since Angular CLI made it easy to get started on a self-contained frontend web project with TypeScript for easier development -- thanks to intellisense extensions for Visual Studio Code, hassle-free browser compatibility with the built-in Babel transpiler and packaging with the built-in Webpack configuration.

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                  Angular Material  logo

                  Angular Material

                  Easy to use material design for angular
                  + 1
                  PROS OF ANGULAR MATERIAL
                  • 12
                  • 8
                    Backed by a well known company
                  • 4
                  • 3
                  • 2
                    Very good documentation
                  • 2
                  • 1
                    Implements well known material design
                  CONS OF ANGULAR MATERIAL
                  • 4
                    Fairly large
                  • 1
                    Look like 90s stuffs
                  • 1
                  • 1

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