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AWS Big Data Consultant at Mission Cloud·
Needs advice

Looking for an interactive AWS diagraming tool. We are a user of Hava but want to see how it compares with Cloudcraft.

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Replies (1)
Avatar of serverlessnomad
Serverless Nomad, LLC.·

TLDR; If you need a multi-cloud solution go with Hava. If you need something to help you design AWS infrastructure with a Terraform output, go with Cloudcraft.

I think their comparison is fair and you can find it here. https://www.hava.io/blog/cloudcraft-alternative

I've been a long time user of Cloudcraft but the AWS focus has become a limiting factor for me. There are a couple of solutions now that offer automated diagraming across multiple-CSPs. I think that is now, and has been for a while, a critical feature and a major gap for Cloudcraft.

Where Cloudcraft adds value is with design. Instead of just instrumenting an existing cloud infrastructure, you can design an environment and then generate a terraform template to create that environment (again, only in AWS).

One of the other items I like is the visualization. Top-down flat views are great for audit documentation and version controlled architecture diagrams, but the 3D icon view makes for much better eye candy and PowerPoint fodder.

Cost-wise they seem to be very comparable. Hava does seem to have a lot more when it comes to compliance reporting, which interests me and something I'll look into. Spend analysis is something both do, so that's feature parity but how well they do it in comparison to each other is not something I have a handle on.

As it stands, I may likely move to Hava for the bulk of my diagraming needs, but I may maintain a single-user account specifically for AWS design purposes.

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Scott Clark

AWS Big Data Consultant at Mission Cloud