Developer Advocate at Hasura·

I've recently switched to using Expo for initializing and developing my React Native apps. Compared to React Native CLI, it's so much easier to get set up and going. Setting up and maintaining Android Studio, Android SDK, and virtual devices used to be such a headache. Thanks to Expo, I can now test my apps directly on my Android phone, just by installing the Expo app. I still use Xcode Simulator for iOS testing, since I don't have an iPhone, but that's easy anyway. The big win for me with Expo is ease of Android testing.

The Expo SDK also provides convenient features like Facebook login, MapView, push notifications, and many others.

7 upvotes·2 comments·960.1K views
Russel Werner
Russel Werner
December 3rd 2018 at 10:09PM

What are you building with RN?

Sezgi Ulucam
Sezgi Ulucam
December 4th 2018 at 11:19PM

Currently doing this tutorial:

Then I'm going to build an app that I've been meaning to build for a while.

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Sezgi Ulucam

Developer Advocate at Hasura