Avatar of shanover77
Software Engineer (Web) ·
Needs advice

I'm working as a full stack web developer and have been given an opportunity to re-frame the whole website which is written in PHP and JavaScript. Our website is required to be fast, efficient, having good analytics, easy to maintain and rework, and subject to frequent changes. It would be handling some medium size files like resumes, video recordings, etc. So I am thinking of changing the tech stack but confused for which backend to choose for the long run. Which back-end would prove to be better in terms of learning, development, and maintenance?

4 upvotes·79.4K views
Replies (2)

If it was me, then I would go with node.js because it has huge a number of packages,community,support & good dev experience and learning curve is also not that steep, if coupled with express.js, its gonna be efficient and fast in serving web requests, and if we adopt good design patterns and follow best practices, I guess it will be easy to maintain it as well, and for storing resumes, video rec etc.., I would use assest management tools like cloudinary etc.., rather than storing in db, coz Its gonna be much more faster this way.

5 upvotes·2 comments·78.8K views
Shanover Saiyed
Shanover Saiyed
March 28th 2022 at 8:51AM

Okay thanks for taking time, appreciate your recommendation. I'll consider this one.

Yoram Kornatzky
Yoram Kornatzky
March 30th 2022 at 3:43PM

Recommending the TALL Stack - Laravel, Tailwind, Alpine, Livewire. You can replace Tailwind with Boostrap or another UI kit.


Nuxt + Fastify + GraphQL + Nginx + Memcache = fast, confortable and a lot of plug-ins. Apache is realy slow :(. Nuxt is great and easy to use. Nginx, Memcache and Fastify it's very efficient. GraphQL require much more from You then REST, but give You flaxibility, order, plugin etc. We tried and don't regret .

4 upvotes·1 comment·77.7K views
Shanover Saiyed
Shanover Saiyed
June 24th 2022 at 3:09PM

Sounds convincing, appreciate your response. I'll consider these.

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Shanover Saiyed

Software Engineer (Web)