Needs advice

Hi! I'm currently studying Flutter for mobile apps, but I also have a demand to automate some tasks on the web and create backends' for my apps, so thinking about which one of those could be better? Considering the performance and how easy it's to learn and create stuff? (I'm already familiar with .NET stack but want something more "simple" to write)

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Replies (4)

Hey Vitor, You can use Node and Express JS to create a backend for your app. You can create REST APIS to connect your front end with the backend. It is a very simple and scalable solution for building backend web apps.

3 upvotes·1 comment·188.1K views
Vitor Bacelar
Vitor Bacelar
September 1st 2021 at 1:48PM

Thank you! Searching a little I've found an incredible library to automate web browser using node, definitely will test it out.

Avatar of amitmormail7948
Software Architect at Payoneer·

Definitely Python. Lots of libraries, dead simple syntax. Lots of code examples and reference projects. Elixir is pure functional and takes time to grasp the concepts. Go is great, with simple syntax and performant runtime, but more strict as it is statically typed. For quick coding, nothing beats Python. As you come from .net I’d consider similar approach and be considering Java with SpringBoot as it makes Java faster and much more fun to code web servers

5 upvotes·1 comment·221.9K views
Vitor Bacelar
Vitor Bacelar
September 1st 2021 at 1:50PM

Thanks! I'll try python a little and I think the libraries and code example will definitely help

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Shivam kr Shiv

Technical Lead