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Owner at Mingchen Information And Technology·
Needs advice
Spring BootSpring Boot

Hi, I am a new developer using Ionic to develop a mobile app. I have recently tried to build a social mobile app which will have video calling, payment transaction, chatting, sharing, etc. I am now confused as to which framework I should use for the backend: Spring Boot or ExpressJS or NestJS? Any detailed advice will be better for my development. Looking forward to your valuable reply.

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Replies (2)

Any tools that achieve your software functionalities is good. you should check if with these frameworks you can do video-call, chat etc. how the scalability is achieved and the complexity of using it with them. since you are starting from scratch you can do this kind of feasibility before starting

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Rafsanjanee Rizvi
Rafsanjanee Rizvi
January 3rd 2021 at 12:26AM

Apprecaite your suggestion.


If I want to write server api, I will use NestJS as primary framework. It base on express | fastify so I can use anything of expressJs. SpringBoot is a java framework. I will think to write as payment transaction service. If you are Ionic developer. you will know Js / ES6. You can try NestJS / ExpressJS. - video calling: You can not create video calling feature. Some keywords: ffmpeg / coturn / webrtc - chatting: realtime (socket.io / websocket) - you can try some opensource as rocketchat. It also have video calling feature.

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Rafsanjanee Rizvi
Rafsanjanee Rizvi
January 3rd 2021 at 12:44AM

Thnks for reply. I have a Chinese friend who gave me an App has 5 different kind of version as : for Android , For IOS , Admin panel, Web version, Destop Version. And that app is a giant as i have ever seen . Backend is fully developed by Spring boot and Mobile Front End developed by Native and desktop by C++ . The Features : Calling, Video Calling, Group Chatting, Group Calling in video, Bank Card adding Sdk, Payment throug qr code and adding freind throug qr code, User can transfer balance to another, timeline, notification, Live meeting, Live vedio sharing, Ticktock short video funtion, Public Account for Social Commerce... and etc. Admin panel has every control of that app with lots of tools. Same as like as WeChat which is Chinese biggest Social App.

I was shocked. It was a small team behind this app and they are continuing to update it but they cant rise because of the monopoly market . So is it possible by React Native and Express Without the Spring Boot

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