Appveyor vs Bitbucket Pipelines

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Appveyor vs Bitbucket Pipelines: What are the differences?


In the realm of continuous integration and deployment tools, Appveyor and Bitbucket Pipelines stand out as popular choices among developers. Understanding the key differences between these two platforms can help teams make informed decisions about their CI/CD workflows.

  1. Supported integrations: Appveyor offers native integration with Microsoft technologies such as .NET and Visual Studio, providing seamless support for these development ecosystems. On the other hand, Bitbucket Pipelines integrates effortlessly with Bitbucket repositories, enabling users to leverage its built-in support for Docker containers and Kubernetes deployments.

  2. Pricing model: Appveyor follows a usage-based pricing model, charging users based on the number of concurrent builds and build minutes consumed. In contrast, Bitbucket Pipelines' pricing is included as part of the Bitbucket Cloud subscription, which may be advantageous for teams already using Bitbucket for version control.

  3. Customizability and extensibility: Bitbucket Pipelines allows users to define custom pipelines using YAML configuration files, offering a high degree of flexibility in defining build, test, and deployment stages. Appveyor, while configurable, may have more limitations in terms of customization compared to Bitbucket Pipelines.

  4. Environment configurations: Appveyor provides users with predefined build environments containing various development tools and dependencies, simplifying the setup process for projects. Bitbucket Pipelines allows users to define custom Docker images for their pipelines, offering more control over the environment configurations.

  5. Scalability and performance: Appveyor is known for its robust infrastructure and high-performance build environments, making it suitable for scaling up CI/CD pipelines for larger projects. Bitbucket Pipelines, while efficient for small to medium-sized projects, may have limitations in handling heavy workloads and complex build scenarios.

  6. Community and support: Appveyor has an active community of users, providing forums and documentation to assist developers in setting up their CI/CD pipelines. Bitbucket Pipelines benefits from Atlassian's support ecosystem, offering a range of resources such as documentation, tutorials, and customer support services to help users navigate the platform effectively.

In Summary, understanding the nuances in supported integrations, pricing models, customizability, environment configurations, scalability, and community support distinguishes Appveyor and Bitbucket Pipelines in the realm of CI/CD tools.

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Pros of Appveyor
Pros of Bitbucket Pipelines
  • 20
    Github integration
  • 18
    Simple, reliable & powerful
  • 12
  • 11
    YML-based configuration
  • 10
    Nuget support
  • 6
    Windows support
  • 4
    Free for open source
  • 4
    Automatic deployment
  • 3
    Great product, responsive people, free for open-source
  • 2
    Easy PowerShell support
  • 2
    Easy handling of secret keys
  • 1
    Remote Desktop into Build Worker
  • 1
    Advanced build workers available
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    Cons of Appveyor
    Cons of Bitbucket Pipelines
    • 1
      Complex user interface
    • 1
      Poor documentation
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      What is Appveyor?

      AppVeyor aims to give powerful Continuous Integration and Deployment tools to every .NET developer without the hassle of setting up and maintaining their own build server.

      What is Bitbucket Pipelines?

      It is an Integrated continuous integration and continuous deployment for Bitbucket Cloud that's trivial to set up, automating your code from test to production. Our mission is to enable all teams to ship software faster by driving the practice of continuous delivery.

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      What tools integrate with Appveyor?
      What tools integrate with Bitbucket Pipelines?

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      What are some alternatives to Appveyor and Bitbucket Pipelines?
      TeamCity is a user-friendly continuous integration (CI) server for professional developers, build engineers, and DevOps. It is trivial to setup and absolutely free for small teams and open source projects.
      In a nutshell Jenkins CI is the leading open-source continuous integration server. Built with Java, it provides over 300 plugins to support building and testing virtually any project.
      Continuous integration and delivery platform helps software teams rapidly release code with confidence by automating the build, test, and deploy process. Offers a modern software development platform that lets teams ramp.
      Azure DevOps
      Azure DevOps provides unlimited private Git hosting, cloud build for continuous integration, agile planning, and release management for continuous delivery to the cloud and on-premises. Includes broad IDE support.
      GitLab offers git repository management, code reviews, issue tracking, activity feeds and wikis. Enterprises install GitLab on-premise and connect it with LDAP and Active Directory servers for secure authentication and authorization. A single GitLab server can handle more than 25,000 users but it is also possible to create a high availability setup with multiple active servers.
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