What is Snyk?
Automatically find & fix vulnerabilities in your code, containers, Kubernetes, and Terraform
Snyk is a tool in the Dependency Monitoring category of a tech stack.
Who uses Snyk?
87 companies reportedly use Snyk in their tech stacks, including Mews, Modanisa.com, and General.
213 developers on StackShare have stated that they use Snyk.
Snyk Integrations
JavaScript, GitHub, Python, Node.js, and Visual Studio Code are some of the popular tools that integrate with Snyk. Here's a list of all 46 tools that integrate with Snyk.
Pros of Snyk
Decisions about Snyk
Here are some stack decisions, common use cases and reviews by companies and developers who chose Snyk in their tech stack.
Bryan Dady
SRE Manager at Subsplash · | 5 upvotes · 453.3K views
I'm beginning to research the right way to better integrate how we achieve SCA / shift-left / SecureDevOps / secure software supply chain. If you use or have evaluated WhiteSource, Snyk, Sonatype Nexus, SonarQube or similar, I would very much appreciate your perspective on strengths and weaknesses and how you selected your ultimate solution. I want to integrate with GitLab CI.
Blog Posts
Snyk Alternatives & Comparisons
What are some alternatives to Snyk?
Aikido Security
It is a developer-first software security app. It scans your source code & cloud to show you which vulnerabilities are actually important to solve. We speed up triaging by massively reducing false positives and making CVEs human-readable.
SonarQube provides an overview of the overall health of your source code and even more importantly, it highlights issues found on new code. With a Quality Gate set on your project, you will simply fix the Leak and start mechanically improving.
Black Duck
It is a solution that helps development teams manage risks that come with the use of open source. It gives you complete visibility into open source management, combining sophisticated, multi-factor open source detection capabilities with the Black Duck KnowledgeBase.
Gemnasium keeps track of projects dependencies. Ruby, Node.js, PHP composer, Bower and Python projects dependencies are automatically parsed, and notifications sent when new versions are released or security advisories are published.
The leading solution for agile open source security and license compliance management, WhiteSource integrates with the DevOps pipeline to detect vulnerable open source libraries in real-time.