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Elm vs Imba: What are the differences?
Elm: A type inferred, functional reactive language that compiles to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Writing HTML apps is super easy with elm-lang/html. Not only does it render extremely fast, it also quietly guides you towards well-architected code; Imba: Take a whole lot of Ruby, a pinch of Python and some React, get Imba. Imba is a new programming language for the web that compiles to performant and readable JavaScript. It has language level support for defining, extending, subclassing, instantiating and rendering dom nodes.
Elm and Imba can be categorized as "Languages" tools.
Elm and Imba are both open source tools. It seems that Elm with 5.3K GitHub stars and 424 forks on GitHub has more adoption than Imba with 3.5K GitHub stars and 128 GitHub forks.
Pros of Elm
- Code stays clean45
- Great type system44
- No Runtime Exceptions40
- Fun33
- Easy to understand28
- Type safety23
- Correctness22
- JS fatigue17
- Ecosystem agrees on one Application Architecture12
- Declarative12
- Friendly compiler messages10
- Fast rendering8
- If it compiles, it runs7
- Welcoming community7
- Stable ecosystem5
- 'Batteries included'4
- Package.elm-lang.org2
Pros of Imba
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Cons of Elm
- No typeclasses -> repitition (i.e. map has 130versions)3
- JS interop can not be async2
- JS interoperability a bit more involved2
- More code is required1
- No JSX/Template1
- Main developer enforces "the correct" style hard1
- No communication with users1
- Backwards compability breaks between releases1