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Evernote vs What are the differences?


Evernote and are both popular productivity tools that offer a range of features to help users stay organized and collaborate effectively. While they share some similarities, there are key differences that set them apart from each other.

  1. Pricing model: Evernote offers both free and paid plans, with the free plan having limited features and storage capacity. On the other hand, offers a freemium model, where the basic features are available for free and advanced features require a subscription.

  2. Note-taking capabilities: Evernote is primarily focused on note-taking and has a robust set of features for organizing and searching notes. It allows users to create different types of content within a note, such as text, images, audio, and attachments., on the other hand, offers note-taking capabilities but goes beyond that by providing a more flexible and customizable interface where users can create a wide range of content blocks and even build databases and project management boards.

  3. Collaboration features: Both Evernote and allow users to share their notes and collaborate with others. However, provides more advanced collaboration features such as real-time editing and commenting, making it better suited for teams and remote collaboration.

  4. Template library: has a comprehensive template library, which allows users to quickly create various types of documents, such as meeting agendas, project proposals, and task trackers. Evernote, on the other hand, does not have a built-in template library, although users can create their own templates using the note templates feature.

  5. Organization and structure: Evernote uses a traditional folder-based structure for organizing notes, where users can create notebooks and sub-notebooks., on the other hand, uses a more flexible system of pages, which can be organized in a hierarchical manner using nested pages, tags, and filters. This allows for a more customizable and adaptive organizational structure.

  6. Integrations and third-party apps: Evernote has a wide range of integrations with other apps and services, allowing users to connect their notes with various productivity tools., although it has limited integrations compared to Evernote, offers a powerful API that allows users to build custom integrations and automate workflows.

In summary, Evernote and have some key differences in terms of their pricing models, note-taking capabilities, collaboration features, template libraries, organization and structure, and integrations. Choosing between the two depends on the specific needs and preferences of the user or team.

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Pros of Evernote
Pros of Notion
  • 5
    Search text in images (OCR)
  • 5
  • 3
    Dark mode
  • 3
    Great mobile app
  • 3
    Syncs quickly
  • 2
    Encrypt Text
  • 21
    One place for almost every project management work
  • 15
    Easy to get started
  • 15
    Very structured documents
  • 15
  • 9
    Dark Mode
  • 8
    Beautiful design
  • 7
    Simple Online Databases
  • 4
    Quick edition with shortcuts
  • 4
    Integration with slack

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Cons of Evernote
Cons of Notion
  • 3
    On life support
  • 2
    No document structure
  • 5
    Api is still in development
  • 4
    Lack of database permissions
  • 2
  • 2
    Evernote import flaky
  • 1
    No markdown editor
  • 1
    Unable to hide key fields in table
  • 1
    No integrations with tools like Slack

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What is Evernote?

Take notes to a new level with Evernote, the productivity app that keeps your projects, ideas, and inspiration handy across all your digital devices. It helps you capture and prioritize ideas, projects, and to-do lists, so nothing falls through the cracks.

What is Notion?

A new tool that blends your everyday work apps into one. It's a unified and collaborative workspace for you and your team

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What are some alternatives to Evernote and Notion?
It is the easiest way to get stuff done. Whether you’re planning a holiday, sharing a shopping list with a partner or managing multiple work projects, it is here to help you tick off all your personal and professional to-dos.
Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, Trello tells you what's being worked on, who's working on what, and where something is in a process.
Get organized in notebooks you can divide into sections and pages. With easy navigation and search, you’ll always find your notes right where you left them. It gathers users' notes, drawings, screen clippings and audio commentaries. Notes can be shared with other OneNote users over the Internet or a network.
Google Drive
Keep photos, stories, designs, drawings, recordings, videos, and more. Your first 15 GB of storage are free with a Google Account. Your files in Drive can be reached from any smartphone, tablet, or computer.
Harness the power of Dropbox. Connect to an account, upload, download, search, and more.
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