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Jib vs fabric8: What are the differences?

Jib and fabric8 are both popular tools used for building container images in the context of Java applications. However, there are key differences between the two that make them suitable for different use cases.

  1. Build Speed: Jib focuses on optimizing build speed by utilizing layer caching. It only rebuilds and pushes the layers that have changed, leading to faster build times. On the other hand, fabric8 has a more traditional build process, which may result in longer build times for larger applications.

  2. Build Environment: Jib builds container images directly from the Java project, without the need for a Docker daemon or a separate container build environment. This makes it lightweight and easy to integrate into existing build systems. In contrast, fabric8 relies on the Docker daemon and requires a Docker installation, which adds complexity to the build process.

  3. Container Registry Integration: Jib offers direct integration with container registries, such as Google Container Registry and Docker Hub. It can push container images directly to these registries without the need for additional configuration. However, fabric8 requires additional configuration to push images to container registries, making the setup more involved.

  4. Development Workflow: Jib is designed for a streamlined development workflow, enabling fast iterative builds during development. It allows developers to build and test their applications quickly without the need for a local Docker installation. On the other hand, fabric8 is more focused on providing a comprehensive set of features for DevOps workflows, including deployment pipelines and integration with Kubernetes.

  5. Compatibility: Jib is primarily designed for building container images for Java applications and has native support for popular Java build tools such as Maven and Gradle. It seamlessly integrates with these tools, simplifying the build process. On the other hand, fabric8 supports multiple programming languages and frameworks, making it more suitable for polyglot environments where Java is just one component of the application stack.

  6. Community and Ecosystem: Jib is an open-source project maintained by Google and benefits from the extensive support and resources of the Google Cloud Platform ecosystem. It has a strong community and regular updates. On the other hand, fabric8 is a more mature project with a larger community and ecosystem, offering a wide range of features beyond just container image building.

In Summary, Jib is a lightweight, fast, and developer-centric tool that focuses on optimizing build speed and integration with Java build tools. On the other hand, fabric8 is a more comprehensive solution with a broader set of features for DevOps workflows, supporting multiple programming languages and frameworks.

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Pros of fabric8
Pros of Jib
  • 1
    Easy to build and automate integration testing
  • 2
    No docker files to maintain
  • 0
    Build is faster than Docker
  • 0
  • 0
    Coder friendly with Maven and Gradle plugins

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What is fabric8?

fabric8 makes it easy to create microservices, build, test and deploy them via Continuous Delivery pipelines then run and manage them with Continuous Improvement and ChatOps.

What is Jib?

Jib builds Docker and OCI images for your Java applications and is available as plugins for Maven and Gradle.

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What are some alternatives to fabric8 and Jib?
Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions.
Deis can deploy any application or service that can run inside a Docker container. In order to be scaled horizontally, applications must follow Heroku's 12-factor methodology and store state in external backing services.
Red Hat OpenShift
OpenShift is Red Hat's Cloud Computing Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering. OpenShift is an application platform in the cloud where application developers and teams can build, test, deploy, and run their applications.
Created at Netflix, it has been battle-tested in production by hundreds of teams over millions of deployments. It combines a powerful and flexible pipeline management system with integrations to the major cloud providers.
It is a set of user experience development tools that unify design, prototyping and implementation of high quality, native apps for iOS and Android.
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