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KeyDB vs XAP: What are the differences?

KeyDB: Open source lighting fast key-value database with advanced features. KeyDB is a fully open source database that aims to make use of all hardware resources. KeyDB makes it possible to breach boundaries often dictated by price and complexity; XAP: The In-Memory computing solution to scale your applications. It provides an essential set of data store features, such as transactions, indexes, and query language (SQL-like queries). It also handles common functions such as messaging, event processing, data access, and transaction processing (ACID compliant) completely and exclusively in-memory.

KeyDB and XAP belong to "In-Memory Databases" category of the tech stack.

Some of the features offered by KeyDB are:

  • Active Replication
  • FLASH storage support
  • direct backup to AWS S3

On the other hand, XAP provides the following key features:

  • In-memory data grid
  • Stream processing for mission-critical applications
  • Empowers event-driven microservices and distributed applications for real-time big data innovation

KeyDB is an open source tool with 3.36K GitHub stars and 202 GitHub forks. Here's a link to KeyDB's open source repository on GitHub.

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Pros of KeyDB
Pros of XAP
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  • 2
    Active Replication
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    What is KeyDB?

    KeyDB is a fully open source database that aims to make use of all hardware resources. KeyDB makes it possible to breach boundaries often dictated by price and complexity.

    What is XAP?

    It provides an essential set of data store features, such as transactions, indexes, and query language (SQL-like queries). It also handles common functions such as messaging, event processing, data access, and transaction processing (ACID compliant) completely and exclusively in-memory.

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    Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker. Redis provides data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, geospatial indexes, and streams.
    With its various distributed data structures, distributed caching capabilities, elastic nature, memcache support, integration with Spring and Hibernate and more importantly with so many happy users, Hazelcast is feature-rich, enterprise-ready and developer-friendly in-memory data grid solution.
    Aerospike is an open-source, modern database built from the ground up to push the limits of flash storage, processors and networks. It was designed to operate with predictable low latency at high throughput with uncompromising reliability – both high availability and ACID guarantees.
    It is an application that uses in-memory database technology that allows the processing of massive amounts of real-time data in a short time. The in-memory computing engine allows it to process data stored in RAM as opposed to reading it from a disk.
    Apache Ignite
    It is a memory-centric distributed database, caching, and processing platform for transactional, analytical, and streaming workloads delivering in-memory speeds at petabyte scale
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