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Add tool vs Locize: What are the differences?

Developers describe ** as "Human powered translation". Real time marketplace of translation services. We help companies make their products global by translating their software, social media and user generated content. Social media localization, document translation, software localization, API. On the other hand, **Locize is detailed as "Bridging the gap between translation and development". It is a modern and affordable localization management solution. It makes your website, app, game or whatever your project is, global, vibrant, and more engaging especially when unleashing the continuous localization capabilities. and Locize can be primarily classified as "Translation Service" tools.

Some of the features offered by are:

  • We offer localization of content on social media beyond the English speaking world. You can keep tweeting in English and we will post your tweets in Chinese in Sina Weibo and in Russian in VKontact for you.
  • We import doc,docx,odt,pdf and txt documents. Once translated you can download a document in the same format. We take care to preserve the original layout and formatting.
  • We can import your PO, Android XML or Java properties files. You can upload upgrades of the files and we will take care of merging the changes. Then you can download your files in the same format you sent it, in JSON or in PO, even if the translation is still not fully completed.

On the other hand, Locize provides the following key features:

  • Time saving over 60%
  • Continuous Localization Lifecycle
  • Translation Management
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    What is Locize?

    It is a modern and affordable localization management solution. It makes your website, app, game or whatever your project is, global, vibrant, and more engaging especially when unleashing the continuous localization capabilities.

    What is ?

    Real time marketplace of translation services. We help companies make their products global by translating their software, social media and user generated content. Social media localization, document translation, software localization, API

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      What tools integrate with Locize?
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        What are some alternatives to Locize and ?
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