Material Design for Bootstrap vs Material-UI

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Material Design for Bootstrap

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Material Design for Bootstrap vs Material UI: What are the differences?

### Introduction
In this comparison, we will highlight the key differences between Material Design for Bootstrap and Material UI.

### 1. Bootstrap Integration: 
Material Design for Bootstrap combines the principles of Material Design with the power of Bootstrap framework, utilizing its responsive grid system and components, while Material UI is an independent library that is not tied to Bootstrap.

### 2. Component Customization: 
Material Design for Bootstrap offers pre-built customizable components based on Material Design guidelines, while Material UI provides a wide range of flexible and customizable components that can be used to create unique interfaces with ease.

### 3. Theming and Styling: 
Material Design for Bootstrap provides a variety of pre-designed themes based on Material Design, making it easier to apply consistent styling across the application. In contrast, Material UI offers powerful theming capabilities that allow developers to easily customize the look and feel of components to match the branding requirements.

### 4. Documentation and Support: 
Material UI has extensive documentation and a large community of developers, providing strong support for troubleshooting and learning. On the other hand, Material Design for Bootstrap may have less extensive documentation and community support compared to Material UI.

### 5. Integration with React and Angular: 
Material UI is designed to work seamlessly with React and provides React components out of the box, offering a smooth integration for React-based projects. Material Design for Bootstrap, on the other hand, offers integration with both React and Angular, providing components for both frameworks.

### 6. Flexibility and Extensibility:
Material UI is known for its flexibility, allowing developers to easily extend or customize components to fit their specific needs, whereas Material Design for Bootstrap may have limitations in terms of extensibility due to its reliance on the Bootstrap framework.

In Summary, Material Design for Bootstrap leverages the power of Bootstrap for a seamless integration, while Material UI offers a wide range of customizable components with strong theming capabilities and extensive documentation, particularly suitable for React-based projects.
Advice on Material Design for Bootstrap and Material-UI
Needs advice

My React website is a simple 5-pager that attaches to a database to store and display registrations and other data. The user (small user base) can change any form elements, but I don't need theme-ing, though that would be fun for the user. reactstrap/react-bootstrap built on Bootstrap 4 sounds dated. I am familiar with reactstrap, but a friend said to try Material-UI. The thought of learning it is interesting, but somehow I think it might be overkill. So... reactstrap, react-bootstrap, or Material UI, which should I use?

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Replies (8)

MaterialUI may be overkill for such a simple project, you're right. So I'm recommending both tools in this StackShare form.

But if it's planned to increase the project, consider migrating it to MUI in advance. Among its pros I can name: - brilliant TS support - all popular use cases covered - well documented - backed by sponsors == will live and be maintained

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I recommend Material-UI for a couple reasons. 1. It’s very easy to throw MUI into React. You can essentially just import the components you need in place of yours. Effectively, for a button, for example, you can swap out <button for MUI’s <Button and you can be done if that’s all you want. Looks great, no hassle, and they have simple guides to help you make good UI decisions on top of that. 2. It’s pretty up-to-date, and it has great docs. I use MUI all the time, and if I were doing a simple, small user-base app, I would definitely use it for the sake of convenience and speed of development.

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Robert Smith
Tech Delivery Manager at self · | 2 upvotes · 32.4K views

I've used material UI and had great success with it on React projects. Semantic UI is also another great option

When you say its "overkill", I would think long term. I do a lot of small projects not only for the purpose of the project, but also for learning, future projects and to use professionaly. It's a long-term investment.

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Flavio Ribeiro
REACT DEVELOPER at Beblue · | 1 upvotes · 32.4K views

Material-UI is the good choice for a small project. It's fast for development, maintenance, and is ready to use. It HaveMaterial-UI is the good choice for a small project. It's fast for development, maintenance, and is ready to use. Has an excellent documentation with pratic examples.

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Much more modern in terms on support for css in js. But go for v5 not v4 as material-ui is going through a transition in term of its own implementation

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It's totally the design decision if you like to follow bootstrap design then you should go for reactstrap. But if you want to follow google material design then you should go for material ui.

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Malik Bagwala
Front-end Developer at Vesatogo Innovations · | 1 upvotes · 32.6K views
Chakra UIChakra UI

Chakra UI seems like the perfect fit in my opinion. It has a much powerful design system, all the necessary components and it is dead simple to learn. And pretty easy to customize too.

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Material-UI looks great and is easy to use. Highly recommended, my favourite UI framework for React.

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Decisions about Material Design for Bootstrap and Material-UI

Bootstrap is useful for rapid prototyping using an existing design system. Since the design system can be used in standard HTML + Javascript and can be imported for free into a Figma project, it lowers the complexity of our mock-up creation and frontend styling, all while promoting consistency. We did not choose Material UI, because it does not have a free design system to import into Figma.

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Kexin Lin
at University of Toronto · | 8 upvotes · 267.3K views

I replaced Bootstrap with Material-UI during the front-end UI development, because Material-UI adopts a component-based importing style, making it suit well in a "React programming style". This makes me comfortable when programming because I can treat importing UI components as other React components I define.

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Xinyi Liu
Software Developer at BigClarity · | 6 upvotes · 340.9K views

As our team will be building a web application, HTML5 and CSS3 are one of the standardized combinations to implement the structure and the styling of a webpage. Material-UI comes with all sorts of predesigned web components such as buttons and dropdowns that will save us tons of development time. Since it is a component library designed for React, it suits our needs. However, we do acknowledge that predesigned components may sometimes cause pains especially when it comes to custom styling. To make our life even easier, we also adopted Tailwind CSS. It is a CSS framework providing low-level utility classes that will act as building blocks when we create custom designs.

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Fonts and typography are fun. Material Design is a framework (developed by Google) that basically geeks out on how to assemble your typographical elements together into a design language. If you're into fonts and typography, it's fantastic. It provides a theming engine, reusable components, and can pull different user interfaces together under a common design paradigm. I'd highly recommend looking into Borries Schwesinger's book "The Form Book" if you're going to be working with Material UI or are otherwise new to component design.

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Pros of Material Design for Bootstrap
Pros of Material-UI
  • 16
  • 6
    Light weight
  • 6
    Awesome and simple to use
  • 4
    Modern Looks
  • 4
    Google Material Design
  • 4
  • 3
    Open Source
  • 3
    Great angular compatibility
  • 141
  • 82
    Material Design
  • 60
    Ui components
  • 30
    CSS framework
  • 26
  • 15
    Looks great
  • 13
  • 12
    Good documentation
  • 9
  • 8
    Ui component
  • 7
    Open source
  • 6
  • 6
    Code examples
  • 5
  • 3
    Very accessible
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
    Supports old browsers out of the box
  • 2
    # of components
  • 2
  • 2
    Designed for Server Side Rendering
  • 2
    Typescript support
  • 1
  • 1
    Easy to work with
  • 1
  • 1
    Support for multiple styling systems

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Cons of Material Design for Bootstrap
Cons of Material-UI
  • 2
    Not free for premo stuff
  • 35
    Hard to learn. Bad documentation
  • 28
    Hard to customize
  • 21
    Hard to understand Docs
  • 8
    Bad performance
  • 7
    Extra library needed for date/time pickers
  • 7
    For editable table component need to use material-table
  • 2
    Typescript Support
  • 1
    # of components

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What is Material Design for Bootstrap?

It is an open source toolkit based on Bootstrap for developing Material Design apps with HTML, CSS, and JS. Quickly prototype your ideas or build your entire app with our Sass variables and mixins, responsive grid system, extensive prebuilt components, and powerful plugins built on jQuery.

What is Material-UI?

Material UI is a library of React UI components that implements Google's Material Design.

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What tools integrate with Material Design for Bootstrap?
What tools integrate with Material-UI?
    No integrations found

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    What are some alternatives to Material Design for Bootstrap and Material-UI?
    Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
    Material Design
    Material Design is a unified system that combines theory, resources, and tools for crafting digital experiences.
    JavaScript is most known as the scripting language for Web pages, but used in many non-browser environments as well such as node.js or Apache CouchDB. It is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm scripting language that is dynamic,and supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.
    Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
    GitHub is the best place to share code with friends, co-workers, classmates, and complete strangers. Over three million people use GitHub to build amazing things together.
    See all alternatives