Needs advice
Google MeetGoogle Meet

I have a google account and use google classroom. I want to give classes online, including screen-sharing, and going in and out of multiple documents on screen.

Even though I am paying for my google account, I still want to explore which of these two tools is best for what I want to do. My classes vary from 5 to 20 persons per class, three times per week, and have a duration of 2 times 45 min.

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Replies (1)

I’m in the same boat as a teacher. I researched both, used both, I like Zoom much better. I like to compare it to Google having the lite version of an app while Zoom is the paid version. Zoom allows the “Host” to control every aspect from password protecting your room to the host admitting people in individually. I know Zoom is normally paid but has a limited free version. Hope this helps but Zoom seems much further ahead.

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Keegan Witt
Keegan Witt
June 11th 2020 at 2:25AM

One big difference I know of is that recording is only available in G Suite Enterprise, G Suite Enterprise Essentials, and G Suite Enterprise for Education editions. They're temporarily offering it to all because of COVID-19, but that's going to end Sept 30.

Whereas even the free version of Zoom has local recording.

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