IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA

DevOps / Build, Test, Deploy / Integrated Development Environment
Avatar of 404assassin1200
Developer at TruStage·
Needs advice
IntelliJ IDEAIntelliJ IDEA
JetBrains RiderJetBrains Rider

I'm full stack with a focus on front-end, primarily React, and Angular. At my last company I was supporting both Java and open other source back-ends, IntelliJ IDEA met my needs perfectly. At my current company I need to support both open source and C# on the back-end. I have been provided a VS license and have been debating either using VS just for back-end C# work and continuing with IntelliJ for front-end, or switching to JetBrains Rider for fullstack? I've read that Rider is great for C# but I'm unsure if Rider will provide the same front-end capabilities that I currently enjoy with IntelliJ.

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Avatar of palaashatri
Quality Engineer I at Azul Systems·
Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code

I’m pretty sure using Jetbrains Rider requires you to have a license for it, since it’s not free software like the IntelliJ Idea counterpart. Visual Studio itself is a very, very powerful IDE and has support for multiple different languages, provided you’re working on a Windows based system.

If you’re not working on a Windows based system, and you’re fine with fiddling around a little bit with your developer environment at the beginning for better experience later, and will not be developing any desktop c# applications, I have to recommend Visual Studio Code, since it’s lighter than the full fledged Visual Studio, and has absolutely amazing integration with almost anything you might need to develop .NET web applications, be it C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, YAML/JSON, SQL/NoSQL Databases, Docker, Kubernetes etc.

But in the end, if you’re getting a Visual Studio license, I’d recommend trying it out, because it’s an absolutely spectacular piece of software for working on .NET applications, and once you understand it, you’ll fall in love with it. The problem is, it’s full power is unlocked when using it on a Windows PC.

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Phillip Blanton
Phillip Blanton
April 24th 2023 at 7:54PM

Of course he'll need a license for it, but that wasn't part of his question. Though IntelliJ does have a community edition is is only for personal use and is not licensed for use in an organizational setting.

He's going to need IntelliJ Ultimate, so no matter what he does, he'll have to have a license for it.

Avatar of pblanton
Radwarrior Softworks·

I have been using Visual Studio.NET since its first incarnation - actually before its first incarnation as I was on the alpha and beta programs for it back in 2000 or so. Visual Studio is a great IDE but it's only available for Windows users (Don't mention the MacOS version of it because Microsoft don't really care about it, and it shows). If you only use Windows then that's fine.

I have since moved away from Windows for daily use and use Ubuntu / RHEL Linux 60% of the time and MacOS about 35% of the time so Visual Studio is a no-go for me. I switched to JetBrains about eight to ten years ago, purchasing the all-products pack at that time. I can use any of their tools on Windows, Linux or MacOS. For the rare occasion when I need to use Windows, I can still use my preferred JetBrains IDE with ho problems. This is critical for me.

If this is not critical for you, and you use Windows all the time, then you can't go wrong with Visual Studio; especially since they already bought you a license for it.

If you do decide to go with Rider, then I'd highly recommend buying the all-products pack instead of just the Rider IDE. There will undoubtedly be times when another JB tool, like PyCharm, or IntelliJ or DataGrip will be useful to you.

I made the decision to go with JetBrains a long time ago and I never looked back. In fact, about six months ago I closed my Microsoft account completely.

That's my 2¢, YMMV.

4 upvotes·1 comment·6.6K views
Christian Worley
Christian Worley
January 25th 2024 at 8:01PM

To re-cap, I tried pretty much every suggestion.

I'm primarily on a Mac so while I have a VS license/option I found the Mac version pretty buggy/lackluster (esp compared to the Windows version) and then a couple months back I saw that MS was pulling the plug on it.

Next I tried VSCode. I tried spinning up my own C# solution without issue and was able to get rolling quickly and without issue, however I was unable to get an of our existing solutions to run. Our solutions are dependent on a number of Azure database integrations and I was never able to get my MFA approval sorted through VSC, to be fair I only spent an hour or two trying.

Finally I purchased the 'all products package' from JetBrains, I figured I could always downgrade later if it didn't perform. I'm finding that Rider exceeds my expectations, much better then VS for Mac, and the integration with AZ is almost painless. Using Rider reminds me of that first time I used IntelliJ after years of Eclipse, VS, and Netbeans, etc. It's worth the money, or at least, it is for me.

Needs advice
IntelliJ IDEAIntelliJ IDEA

I'm currently working on a book about file structures. The text is written in LaTeX (with IntelliJ IDEA + TeXiFy) and the sample code is in Python (using PyCharm).

Since I use two IDEs, I have a distinct project for text and code.

I was thinking if I could join the projects in a single IDE, a that's my question:

  • Should I use PyCharm and install the TeXiFy plugin,
  • Should I stick to IDEA and install Python support to it, or
  • Should I keep the two projects separated?


6 upvotes·57K views
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Avatar of lbotti8668
CEO at RED Software Systems·

Since the code is python, pycharm is lighter on resources, and there is no need to use the full Intellij IDE.

4 upvotes·28.7K views

The project management is easier in PyCharm and for a sample project you probably don't need the complex project management in intellij. I definitely wouldn't use two IDEs at the same time, unless you got too much machine capacity and like more complex interactions.

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We are creating an IntelliJ IDEA plugin that uses JCEF web-view to show the UI by reusing the components from our earlier command line tool. Earlier we had created a command line tool where we had our frontend in React and backend in Spring Boot.

In order to create the plugin, we need a way to start both the backend (spring boot) and frontend (React) servers from the plugin itself. Basically, when the user clicks the plugin's icon in Intellij it should start both backend and frontend servers. Can anyone please suggest a way/resources to achieve this?

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Avatar of originsgrand
Software Engineer at Microcare·
Needs advice

Hi there,

I have recently moved from C# and Xamarin to Python and IntelliJ IDEA. I finally have a grasp of python and want to start developing web applications with Django. Which IDE should I use?

Note: I have read that PyCharm is great but the community version only allows for basic web applications. Please help

4 upvotes·86.3K views
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PyCharm (pro) - great editor designed specifically for Python and python apps - complex (good for configurability, bad for simplicity) - expensive ($200 first year, $120 third year)

PyCharm (free) - same as above but without a REST client or support for other web development tools (which you will likely end up using) - ok to get your feet wet (you can always upgrade later) Full comparison:

VS Code (free) - Configurable "IDE" with support for most modern languages - TONS of simple-to-install extensions that add functionality - Great docs and UI

Sublime Text (free) - one of the most minimal editors out there - it just works

It's really down to personal preference. But I would recommend downloading all of the FREE editors, getting setup in each, and keeping only the ones you like.

My personal choice for web development is VS Code but I started with Pycharm (free), and use Sublime text on occasion.

Just focus on learning and developing and you will find what features you're looking for.

Andrew Kavas – Medium (
6 upvotes·11.9K views

While you are quite likely to eventually want to upgrade to the pro version, the community version of PyCharm is suitable for large projects.

PyCharm's background 'linting', refactoring tools, folding, navigation and integration with git make the learning needed to use it pay dividends in productivity very quickly.

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I am a QA heading to a new company where they all generally use Visual Studio Code, my experience is with IntelliJ IDEA and PyCharm. The language they use is JavaScript and so I will be writing my test framework in javaScript so the devs can more easily write tests without context switching.

My 2 questions: Does VS Code have Cucumber Plugins allowing me to write behave tests? And more importantly, does VS Code have the same refactoring tools that IntelliJ IDEA has? I love that I have easy access to a range of tools that allow me to refactor and simplify my code, making code writing really easy.

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Avatar of stapetro
Senior Software Engineer at GfK·
IntelliJ IDEA
IntelliJ IDEA

I use Intellij IDEA Ultimate for javascript development and testing. Everything is configured and run smoothly. Visual Studio Code is a basic editor with a rich set of plugins. Making them to work smoothly is challenging sometimes. If you don't have a license for the Ultimate Edition, you can use Intellij EAP builds. The best judgement is to test both tools and see where you perform your work more efficiently. I'd recommend Intellij IDEA IDE for professional development.

3 upvotes·66.8K views
Avatar of christyciss7625
Program Manager ·
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EclipseEclipseIntelliJ IDEAIntelliJ IDEA

UPDATE: Thanks for the great response. I am going to start with VSCode based on the open source and free version that will allow me to grow into other languages, but not cost me a license ..yet.

I have been working with software development for 12 years, but I am just beginning my journey to learn to code. I am starting with Python following the suggestion of some of my coworkers. They are split between Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA for IDEs that they use and PyCharm is new to me. Which IDE would you suggest for a beginner that will allow expansion to Java, JavaScript, and eventually AngularJS and possibly mobile applications?

11 upvotes·2M views
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Avatar of vvvlad423985
Dev at Intel·
Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code

Pycharm is great for python development, but can feel sometimes slow and community version has Somme very annoying restrictions (like they disabled jupyter notebooks plugin and made it premium feature). I personally started looking into VS Code as an alternative, and it has some very good potential. I suggest you take it into account.

15 upvotes·725.5K views

The Community version of PyCharm is free and should give you what you need to get started with Python. Both PyCharm and IntelliJ are made by JetBrains. IntelliJ is initially focused on Java but you can get plugins for lots of other things. I subscribe to JetBrains' Toolbox: and have access to all of their great tools.

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Avatar of Scrayos
CEO at Scrayos UG (haftungsbeschränkt)·

IntelliJ IDEA is our polyglot IDE of choice. We use it esentially for all programming and coding aswell as some basic database management and planning. IntelliJ IDEA has proven to be a reliable companion in developing our various software components.

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