

Application and Data / Languages & Frameworks / Java Tools

We are working on a transaction processing application and everything needs to happen in real-time. I have used AWS Lambda with Quarkus + Java, and struggled with cold start time however Lambda is still cost effective. so wanted to understand which one will be suitable as alternative to lambda services.

5 upvotes·180.2K views
Replies (2)
Avatar of yossale
Chief Architect at Altostra·

The main question here is your request rate. - If it's usually very high, then in most cases you shouldn't run into cold starts - and for the rare gaps, you can send a steady stream of "blank" requests that will keep the lambda's alive. - You can also consider pushing all your incoming requests to an SQS, and then triggering lambdas based on the sqs capacity - this way you'll be able to provide a constant level of service even with the cold starts

6 upvotes·546 views
Avatar of CodeZeno
Web Developer at Code Zeno·
AWS Lambda
AWS Lambda

Have you used Provisioned Concurrency for your Lambdas? They can make a big difference, especially for Java.

1 upvote·3.2K views
Avatar of mathieubarcikowski
Technical Leader at Odigo·
Needs advice
Spring BootSpring Boot

Moving from a classic monolithic Java EE application on-premise to a cloud application based on microservices. What is the easier framework to learn/to move on? is Quarkus enough mature for production? Is the performance of Quarkus in production the same as the benchmarks suggest?

2 upvotes·25.4K views
Replies (2)

While I cut my teeth learning Java with Spring Boot, you are beholden to some extent to where Pivotal wants to take it. I've been bitten by their decision before to make a breaking change to an API, forcing a lot of work to bring my app back up-to-date. Quarkus, however, is based on Java/Jakarta EE, which has no single company behind it and a strong history of backwards compatibility. There is no obligation to use all the Quarkus specific elements. I build my apps as plain Java EE 8 apps with a small Quarkus runner module. Your team presumably already know Java EE so there should be no re-training required.

3 upvotes·258 views
Avatar of Scrayos
CEO at Scrayos UG (haftungsbeschränkt)·

We use Quarkus with native compilation in GraalVM for our global REST-API "Charon", that can be used by every developer to request user, server and game-data (protected through OAuth2). Quarkus offers a reliable framework, library and stack for high-quality APIs and integrates Vert.x into its core.

GraalVM pushes the performance boundaries even further with the ability to perform ahead-of-time native compilation so we can reach an incredible small memory-footprint and fast bootup-times that we need for our microservices architecture.

4 upvotes·261.2K views
Avatar of Scrayos
CEO at Scrayos UG (haftungsbeschränkt)·

As the access to our global REST-API "Charon" is bound to OAuth2, we use Keycloak inside Quarkus to authenticate and authorize users of our API. It is not possible to perform any un-authenticated requests against this API, so we wanted to make really sure that the authentication/authorization component is absolutely reliable and tested. We found those attributes within Keycloak, so we used it.

7 upvotes·845.7K views