

Application and Data / Libraries / Javascript UI Libraries
Avatar of hmenorjr
Java Software Engineer ·
Needs advice

I have an existing personal website ( which is more of a splash/landing page only. I'm thinking of rebuilding it into a portfolio with a blog/article area. My go-to is WordPress now, because I've created a website for a small agency in the Philippines and exported it into HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can check it here:

I need advice if I should do the same. Build it with WordPress (using LocalWP) and export it as HTML, CSS, and JavaSrcript again, or build it manually with either Next.js or Svelte.

9 upvotes·65.7K views
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Avatar of jonasschwindt
Senior Java Developer ·

Before you look into Next.js, you could probably leverage feather.js here. Because the Website you linked is very basic you could be able to rebuild this page in mere moments.

You should get away as fast as you can from WordPress (not that it does not fit the task... but every WordPress Site is a thousandfold slower than even an averagely complex node.js implementation - just don't do it if you call yourself a developer :)

4 upvotes·4 comments·19.6K views
Herman Menor
Herman Menor
September 7th 2023 at 6:57AM

Hey Jonas, thanks for the advise. Yes, WordPress does the job for small projects. But no worries, I'm still exploring also and trying to implement with other techs. I will build a second version with feather.js ;)

neststay home
neststay home
February 7th 2024 at 10:30AM

Consider your familiarity with WordPress and the level of customization needed. If WordPress meets your requirements and you're comfortable with its ecosystem, go for it. However, if you prefer more control over your website and enjoy working with frameworks like Next.js or Svelte, building it manually could offer greater flexibility and performance. Assess your needs and preferences before making a decision based on fluency in different systems.

suwaidi online
suwaidi online
June 19th 2024 at 6:27AM

You can make all your fetch requests to your application programming interface (API) within this function.

November 5th 2024 at 10:23AM


Use WordPress if you want it for something small or medium-sized. Don't waste your time building it when you can do it on WordPress easily.

3 upvotes·18.5K views
Avatar of aaolayiwola04
Indie Dev at Idyllics·
Needs advice

Just want to start with three.js what materials do you recommend? Also what framework would match perfectly with it? Svelte or React.

2 upvotes·37.2K views
Needs advice

I know this is a fairly common question, but I feel like this stuff is pretty dynamic, and things fall in/out of fashion over time.

So here it is: I am an aspiring front-end web developer (eventually full stack, but focused on front-end for the time being). I feel pretty comfortable with HTML5, CSS/Sass, and I know enough JavaScript to get by.

I am an adult student doing the self-teaching route, and while my grasp on vanilla JS isn't stellar, I feel like it would be a good idea to start incorporating a framework into my learning. I just have no idea which to choose. To be honest, Svelte looks the best to me, BUT I am looking to be marketable in the future, so it's probably best to start with a more popular framework.

React seems to be the obvious answer popularity-wise, but I want to hear updated opinions from people in the field. While I haven't completely defined my focus, I like creating UI's and really have fun with CSS/Sass.

Thanks in advance, and I hope you're all having a great and safe weekend.

7 upvotes·133K views
Replies (5)

I am glad you like Svelte! and I am glad you didn't listed Angular.

I would go with my point of view, if you're considerably new to javascript, I would consider to focus on sharpening those skills. You will need them in order to build anything with those 3 options. You may be surprised how important is to get into the market, so, I would recommend 2 options: * Vue.js has a lot of acceptance nowadays, it's robust enough and ecosystem grows and thrives. Also I consider by my own experience the simplest to learn. Nonetheless, in my experience I don't see vue thriving as much as react. * React.js is the most popular, the one that would probably teach you best javascript and probably for. new learners the least simple to learn. However, once you get it, you would never look back and wonder why you took the decision. React.js is not going anywhere, it would be the option to choose for quite long time. Has wide market acceptance and ecosystem is fantastic.

You could always learn them at the same time tho! It's really up to you! Have fun

10 upvotes·2 comments·512.9K views
ifck dsk
ifck dsk
December 11th 2021 at 4:32AM

I am glad you like Svelte! and I am glad you didn't listed Angular.


Zomon Orfega
Zomon Orfega
June 7th 2024 at 8:17AM

I am glad to appreciate your efforts for adding me,as a member


While it's hard to recommend any framework/library, I'd recommend you start with something that is relatively popular and has a little more maturity. I recommend react because it is arguably the most popular out of the three, so you'll easily find support, and most importantly, a job with this. Vue is a good second option, and also great to learn. To my knowledge, it was actually created by some of the original devs of React. Not sure if that's actually true or not. On to Svelte. This one is actually really great, and I love the approach they took with doing all of the "dirty work" at compile-time. The problem is that it's relatively new, not as mature, and while you're never guaranteed to find a job with any language/framework, your chances are considerably less.

All of this being said, while I do recommend what to start with, just to get yourself into the industry. My personal recommendation for your future career, and just for fun, is to learn them all.

6 upvotes·1 comment·59.4K views
September 2nd 2021 at 1:16PM

I started with Vue/Nuxt before I had strong general JS skills. I was forced to learn React for a project and it wasn't hard to pick up after learning Vue. Once you learn one of the major frameworks, you can transfer those skills to the others without too much effort. They're all doing basically the same thing (they're all essentially MVC component libraries) but with different conventions.

React is the most popular right now, despite having the worst DX of the three. For a newcomer, my recommendation would be to either 1) focus on React/Next, and push through the higher learning curve or 2) start with something more comfortable like Vue/Nuxt or Svelte/SvelteKit, then learn React/Next to be more marketable. It won't hurt you to have another library/framework in the skills section of your resume.

This is most important: as a newcomer, whatever library you choose, start with the framework. For Vue, start with Nuxt. For React, start with Next, etc. For me, it was MUCH easier to learn Vue using Nuxt and single file components than it would have been to learn the Vue library by itself.

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Avatar of sarmad179
Founder & CEO at Ebiz Ltd.·
Needs advice

Hi there!

I just want to have a simple poll/vote...

If you guys need a UI/Component Library for React, Vue.js, or AngularJS, which type of library would you prefer between:

1 ) A single maintained cross-framework library that is 100% compatible and can be integrated with any popular framework like Vue, React, Angular 2, Svelte, etc.

2) A native framework-specific library developed to work only on target framework like ElementUI for Vue, Ant Design for React.

Your advice would help a lot! Thanks in advance :)

9 upvotes·1.3M views