I love Node.js and MongoDB (A database that goes well with Node). I will use it for embedded systems and backends for web apps. I have questions for frontend JS:
Which front end JavaScript framework is good for web apps
Which front end JS framework is good for PWAs(progressive web apps)
Backstory: I experimented with Javascript. Built lots of things with it. I want to organize my Javascript toolset by seeing which tool is useful when(e.g. use Angular for enterprise, use Vanilla for fun, etc.)
I would recommend trying out all three products on a test case involving a database or a dummy rest interface, to get some first hand experience with the technologies and the differences between them. You’ll find my step by step instructions here: https://starters.toreingolf.net
I have a view that Angular js changed its design patterns too frequently and messed up while trying to be too obsessive. Vue 3 is simple powerful, high performance and brings the composition API that also brings overall simplicity. It can be done using pure JavaScript and in my view that's a plus point in development, if you are experienced developer and avoid type mistakes etc..
Most other frontend frameworks support Vue. For e.g. Ionic..
The server side rendering can bring magic of SEO friendly sites while being single page application.