Praveen Pavithran
Recent Tech Decisions
172 points


  • Appium

    tpp6me Yatis

    Appium was used to automate app testing.

  • SQLite

    tpp6me Yatis

    SQLite is used in the Android application, to store data on the mobile

  • Selenium

    tpp6me Yatis

    Selenium was used for web scraping.

  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk

    tpp6me Yatis

    Autoscaling HTTP servers.

  • npm

    tpp6me Yatis

    Package manager for node

  • Sublime Text

    tpp6me Yatis

    Multi-purpose Text editor

  • Amazon VPC

    tpp6me Yatis

    The DB and some servers on a separate sub-net in the VPC. This ensures access to these servers are denied from any other machine than the VPC.

  • Amazon CloudWatch

    tpp6me Yatis

    Track sudden spikes or jumps in activity.

  • AWS Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)

    tpp6me Yatis

    The HTTP API servers are behind an ELB.

  • AWS CodeDeploy

    tpp6me Yatis

    Easy deployment of code across multiple machines.

  • Amazon S3

    tpp6me Yatis

    All images are stored on S3. These images include map images of trips, and graphs of data analysis.

  • Git

    tpp6me Yatis

    Version control for the project.

  • Redis

    tpp6me Yatis

    Fast cache is used to store short term information from devices and detect change in status of the device.

  • Android Studio

    tpp6me Yatis

    Android project editor / manager.

  • GitLab

    tpp6me Yatis

    Free alternative to Github.

  • HAProxy

    tpp6me Yatis

    High performance load balancer for the devices.

  • Slack

    tpp6me Yatis

    Intra-team communication.

  • G Suite

    tpp6me Yatis

    Mail, calendar, docs, sheets

  • OpenStreetMap

    tpp6me Yatis

    Alternative to Google Maps.

  • Python

    tpp6me Yatis

    All analytics scripts and tools are written in Python

  • ExpressJS

    tpp6me Yatis

    Powers the HTTP API platform.

  • MongoDB

    tpp6me Yatis

    Unstructured No-SQL DB was important as deal with several different devices.

  • MySQL

    tpp6me Yatis

    Used lightly. Part of Wordpress stack

  • PHP

    tpp6me Yatis

    The world facing website and Wordpress.

  • WordPress

    tpp6me Yatis

    The blog is a wordpress implementation.

  • D3.js

    tpp6me Yatis

    Used to create pretty graphs in the web application

  • jQuery UI

    tpp6me Yatis

    In the front-end Angular apps.

  • AngularJS

    tpp6me Yatis

    The fleet admin app is an Angular application.

  • Node.js

    tpp6me Yatis

    Most of the application is written in Node

  • Socket.IO

    tpp6me Yatis

    Sockets used to send latest location.

  • Bootstrap

    tpp6me Yatis

    Bootstrap is used in the front end to make the layout responsive.

  • Asana

    tpp6me Yatis

    Track engineering work and delivery.

  • Google Maps

    tpp6me Yatis

    Maps APIs for addresses, making image summaries of trips, view vehicles on a various front-ends.

  • Google Analytics

    tpp6me Yatis

    Track visitors to the website.

  • Amazon EC2

    tpp6me Yatis

    We use several EC2 instances each dedicated for a separate purpose - API servers, TCP servers for device, DB instances.