Avatar of Laurent Valdes

Laurent Valdes

Apache FlinkApache Flink

Hi !

I would say it depends on three things:

  • the volume (number of events by seconds)
  • the versatility you need.
  • the vendor lock on

If volume is an issue then maybe flink may be a better option. Flink is distributed and is architectured as such.

If you are ok with having everything based on Kafka then maybe Kafka streams is a better option, but if at some point you need to integrate with several systems maybe you should consider flink.

If you are okay with sticking with confluent tools it’s okay, but beware of technology. Flink is more generalist than Kafka streams.

5 upvotes·2 comments·3.6K views
Eran Levy
Eran Levy
January 12th 2022 at 4:58AM

Hi, If you are already working with Kafka Streams, I suggest to continue with that otherwise there is capability that not exists there or not fitting your needs..

January 12th 2022 at 6:32PM

Thank you for your input. We're talking ~ 6mil records per minute so a significant amount of data. We also want to join records within a small window and push them to a different topic. We're okay with something out of confluent so looks like Fink is a better option here.


I won’t recommend any of those tools if you plan to run thousand of analytical queries each day.

In my opinion you would better use something like Druid or Clickhouse than using bigtable or bigquery

Why ?

  • first bigtable is not a database made for analytics. Or maybe you will have a way to format your data so that it can be partitioned and fitted into small rows.

  • bigquery has a cost and I would say it is not the right tool for the job, despite being able to handle the load. It will work but given the datasize and the price I would say you don’t need it.

I would better launch a clickhouse install in order to prevent vendor lockdown https://clickhouse-dashboard.cube.dev/how-to-run-click-house

3 upvotes·2 comments·3.4K views
August 23rd 2023 at 6:45AM

Clickhouse runs analytical queries super fast from my experience, assuming data is structured well for the columnar storage type cases it handles well (which are many analytics queries, but less likely pulling out stuff from JSON, etc).

Facts Rule
Facts Rule
August 26th 2021 at 2:16AM

Thank you for your feedback!


For less than 10 GB you can use bigquery here as this is not considered a big data load (requests can be processed on a single pc) But if you want to process more (like 1 TB) I advise to use something else as scan costs tend to be high on BQ

2 upvotes·4.9K views

Both depending on the workload. Usually redis is pretty good at in-memory applications and can do key-based persistence. Postgres is more made for SQL and can do key value persistence as well. I would rather choose PostgreSQL, with a bit of redis for specific parts.

2 upvotes·1 comment·20 views
Michael Wyllie
Michael Wyllie
February 26th 2022 at 3:20AM

Thanks for the feedback
